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re: The four best teams RIGHT NOW using the eye test.
Posted on 12/5/23 at 4:58 pm to ForgetTheRest
Posted on 12/5/23 at 4:58 pm to ForgetTheRest
Only eye test that matters - Can you squirrel hunt and rabbit hunt both at the same time?
Posted on 12/5/23 at 5:10 pm to ForgetTheRest
You talking offense or defense?
Posted on 12/5/23 at 5:12 pm to SidewalkTiger
Georgia was dominated in that game. Score closer than actual game.
Posted on 12/5/23 at 5:14 pm to ForgetTheRest
A@M fans need to stop trolling Texas on the rant ****s
This post was edited on 12/5/23 at 5:15 pm
Posted on 12/5/23 at 5:17 pm to ForgetTheRest
Michigan, Washington, Georgia, Florida State
That FSU team is so much more than one player. LSU fans of all people know.
That FSU team is so much more than one player. LSU fans of all people know.
Posted on 12/5/23 at 7:41 pm to SidewalkTiger
I mean Georgia is arguably a missed field goal and fumble from winning.
The margins are so small.
Georgia had the ball one time in the second half with a chance to tie or take the lead and they derped it away by fumbling a handoff. The best teams in the country don't piss their chances away like that.
Posted on 12/5/23 at 7:44 pm to ForgetTheRest
Frick you and your “eye test”. The eye test represents everything that’s wrong with college football.
Posted on 12/5/23 at 7:44 pm to SingleMalt1973
1 Mich 2 Texas 3 Bama 4 UGA
Posted on 12/5/23 at 7:50 pm to ForgetTheRest
Your mom passed the test when I put a load in her eye last night.
This post was edited on 12/5/23 at 7:53 pm
Posted on 12/5/23 at 7:51 pm to ForgetTheRest
2. Georgia
3. Michigan
4. Ohio state
uTx with a healthy Ewers looks better than either B1G school. They are a top 3 school.
Posted on 12/5/23 at 7:53 pm to Che Boludo
uTx with a healthy Ewers looks better than either B1G school. They are a top 3 school.
100% agree.
Posted on 12/5/23 at 7:54 pm to SidewalkTiger
mean Georgia is arguably a missed field goal and fumble from winning.
The margins are so small.
Or, a few dropped INTs away from Bama blowing it wide open.
I rewatched yesterday. I was blown away how caught up in the moment I must have been. The game never felt in doubt, yet a 3 point game.
This post was edited on 12/5/23 at 7:56 pm
Posted on 12/5/23 at 7:54 pm to ForgetTheRest
Who you got?
2. Georgia
4. Washington
Posted on 12/5/23 at 7:56 pm to ForgetTheRest
Posted on 12/5/23 at 7:56 pm to ForeverEllisHugh
Michigan, Washington, Georgia, Florida State
Bro…what eyes you looking out of? Bama just beat UGA and yet you leave them off…Texas? Dude your list is biased and shite!
Posted on 12/5/23 at 7:57 pm to VADawg
The best teams in the country don't piss their chances away like that.
Great teams do shite like that all the time. Most teams that have won NCs this century have at least one loss.
ETA: definitely not saying UGA is a great team, but you’re taking a very simplistic view of the situation.
This post was edited on 12/5/23 at 7:58 pm
Posted on 12/5/23 at 8:01 pm to Stuttgart Tiger
Only eye test that matters - Can you squirrel hunt and rabbit hunt both at the same time?
Except all the objective measures had Bama in over FSU, as well. It's UTx who got the Bama bump.
BCS would have had it: UM, UW, Bama, FSU with UTx first team out.
Posted on 12/5/23 at 8:02 pm to Crimson1st
A cult member made that list, so of course.
Who gives a shite about some biased predictive model. We don't even know how they train the different models to do the ranking for all 6 computers. The models do not account for players playing and their significance of individual contribution to the team. I'm curious how BCS models would change if they could include another term that analyzes individual player data.
BCS would have had it: UM, UW, Bama, FSU with UTx first team out
Who gives a shite about some biased predictive model. We don't even know how they train the different models to do the ranking for all 6 computers. The models do not account for players playing and their significance of individual contribution to the team. I'm curious how BCS models would change if they could include another term that analyzes individual player data.
This post was edited on 12/5/23 at 8:06 pm
Posted on 12/5/23 at 8:03 pm to VADawg
You don’t know what the “eye test”
Is I guess.
Is I guess.
Posted on 12/5/23 at 8:05 pm to ForgetTheRest
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