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re: Is Thuga taking over for The U as thugs?
Posted on 8/28/19 at 6:33 pm to Bbobalou
Posted on 8/28/19 at 6:33 pm to Bbobalou
"You want to meet me by the jungle Jim and throw the hands?"
Who is "The Jungle Jim".....somebody famous from UF?
Jungle Jim
Who is "The Jungle Jim".....somebody famous from UF?
Jungle Jim
Posted on 8/28/19 at 6:40 pm to CNB
“Thug” is a way to say the N word without saying the N word
Prove me wrong
You really annoy me.
Posted on 8/28/19 at 6:55 pm to Bbobalou
Something something dawgs are obsessed with Florida
Posted on 8/28/19 at 7:58 pm to Bbobalou
if by thugs you mean is UGA going to skullfrick the Gators from Jacksonville all the way back to Gainesville, then yes.
Posted on 8/28/19 at 7:59 pm to Bbobalou
I’m sure you can use your time better than posting another UGA thread.
Posted on 8/28/19 at 8:05 pm to Bbobalou
thUGA has always been thugs. Are you just realizing this?
Posted on 8/28/19 at 8:18 pm to CNB
“Thug” is a way to say the N word without saying the N word
Prove me wrong
You have to prove your accusation is correct since you are making a claim.
I'll just call you a soyboy looking to get offended and leave it at that.

Posted on 8/28/19 at 8:31 pm to CNB
“Thug” is a way to say the N word without saying the N word Prove me wrong
Ehhh. It depends. I call white guys thugs all the time.
Posted on 8/28/19 at 8:49 pm to jvilletiger25
As long as our ranking in real life is higher than our fulmer cup ranking and our players aren’t choking tutors then I’m good. /s
This post was edited on 8/28/19 at 8:51 pm
Posted on 8/28/19 at 8:51 pm to diddlydawg7
Whites are Goons, as in hockey. Thug is black, a rap reference.
Either way, zero fricks given if someone's offended by usage of either.
Either way, zero fricks given if someone's offended by usage of either.
Posted on 8/28/19 at 9:07 pm to Bbobalou
Is Thuga taking over for The U as thugs?

Posted on 8/28/19 at 9:11 pm to StrawsDrawnAtRandom
Damn Gators, can't even enjoy your win without your fear of Georgia coming to the surface.
Posted on 8/28/19 at 9:19 pm to jvilletiger25
thUGA has always been thugs. Are you just realizing this?
Aubies are very familiar with players we kicked out of Athens. Shite always runs downhill to Auburn, Alabama.
Posted on 8/29/19 at 11:38 am to DaveyDownerDawg
Damn Gators, can't even enjoy your win without your fear of Georgia coming to the surface.
Honestly, the way it's seemed...
The worse we are, the worse we beat ya'll.

If anyone needs to be scared, it's you guys when we drop UT Martin and beat Georgia by fiddy this year.
Posted on 8/29/19 at 2:15 pm to DaveyDownerDawg
Damn Gators, can't even enjoy your win without your fear of Georgia coming to the surface.
According to the Gator posters, the fact he started a thread about UGA proves they are afraid of us.
Posted on 8/29/19 at 3:56 pm to dan765
I guess UF will have to curb stomp Thuga to get some respect and restore order in da hood.
Posted on 8/29/19 at 4:03 pm to DawgsLife
Its a turf war bro! Da skruggle is real.
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