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re: Nappier sucks

Posted on 12/19/23 at 9:46 am to
Posted by bigDgator
Dallas, TX
Member since Oct 2008
42212 posts
Posted on 12/19/23 at 9:46 am to

Boosters like Gary condon care more about having their ego stroked than our football team winning

I’ve been saying this for a while and Let’s be real…. their egos are off their grand dads selling off some orange groves for development. It’s not like their high level bankers or ceos anything like that. Our boosters pretty loathsome human beings to be honest

Especially the big boosters in Stricklin’s ear

Exactly how many of these boosters do you know?

Posted by POTUS2024
Member since Nov 2022
12573 posts
Posted on 12/19/23 at 10:28 am to

thecaw always knew this was a stupid hire but there was no reasoning with the Disney gators or our dumbass bullgators

My favorite now is the uaa has turned to twitter under various accounts to tell us “they don’t care about random fans bitching”

That’s cool I don’t care about your arse program either go ahead and let the uaa waste all those dumbasses grand dadddys money.

I ain’t going anymore and I’m good enough at life I have other hobbies and other stuff to do on Saturdays

Let them waste their trust funds letting the uaa launder money to those design agencies and make the swamp whatever

It’s 6-6 football for decades to come we know it smart ones get it .

They think their somehow owning is but their not . Got better shite to do better shite to spend money on

Lot to unpack here. I know this is TL/DR but this dovetails into some very serious topics, IMO.

1. There is a general discontent with CFB. I have never watched so little CFB as I have this season. I don't think anyone but big NIL earners are liking this direction. For programs that are not at the top, this is adding to the misery for their fans.

When NIL came around I predicted hard times for UF. This just isn't the fan base for NIL. UF fans love UF. People outside of Florida don't understand, UF dominated this state for many years. Tons and tons and tons of the businesses started in this state and the general welfare of this state had UF grads at the root of it. Before UF got super anal about rankings, the faculty at UF had a tremendous number of people that were highly respected in their fields. Over the years there have been many very, very good departments at UF. UF never needed rankings to be respected.

The guy that understood this better than anyone was Spurrier. This is one of the reasons people love him dearly. He would flat out tell recruits that UF is a good place to be and that UF sells itself on many levels. UF alums, for the most part, are still 100% onboard with this. We don't see UF as something that requires a bunch of payments and arse kissing in order to convince people to come here.

6-6 is probably UF's future for a long time. It's possible that a coach or a benefactor could come along and change that, but I don't see it happening in the era of NIL. When all this started I said that schools like UF, Nebraska, Vandy, Stanford, and some others should lead the charge for a new division - no NIL, trimmed down portal, strict limit on coaching buyouts, and a smart way to share revenue with players (there's a way to do it that does not turn the sport into the wild west).

The one game I cannot pull myself away from, yet, is the FSU game. I love the Georgia rivalry and I respect Georgia. I loathe FSU. Watching Napier at halftime of that game, with zero fire in his belly, I knew he was not the guy. frick your process. Win the fricking game. You have FSU on the ropes and you shite your pants in the second half. He's not the guy. That's hard to stomach. UF will likely need another new coach soon. More money wasted. With the direction of college sports, however, UF might be well advised to just keep Napier until there's another big paradigm shift in the sport.

2. Napier was thought to be a good hire. We can debate it - I did not see him in the way I and others saw Meyer in his tenure at smaller schools. So, I was iffy about Napier, but I understood the hype. Meyer had a "process" but he was a force of will, and hated losing. Spurrier had some similar qualities. At UF (probably every program with big expectations) it takes a lot more than a process. In Napier I see a bit of an automaton that is wired to this process. He does seem like a good guy and I don't have any ill will for him, but I'm convinced it takes a lot more than a robotic attachment to process to make it work in big time football.

2a. Stricklin has to go. Failure in every possible way, in my opinion. Committed fraud and cost UF tens of millions in how he handled the Mullen situation. His other hires have sucked. He's not even 10% of what Foley was. Foley made some mistakes but for each mistake, he probably made a 1000 smart decisions. The only reason UF is in any shape at all to do facility upgrades and respond to many of the pressures in college sports right now is because of Foley's leadership. He started at UF as an intern in the ticket office. He became the best AD in college sports. Stricklin is nowhere close. UF President, Ben Sasse, says he's a sports guy. He's not showing it thus far. He needs a new AD and to show some leadership with regard to what's happening with college sports.

3. UAA and UF has changed, particularly since Machen arrived almost 20 years ago. UF thinks it's Stanford now. The pretentiousness is one thing. But UF, from what I can see, tries to separate itself from the local community and from the tenets of being a state university, more and more each year. I grew up in Gainesville. UF is my alma mater. Not every bit of the transformation has been bad, but most of it has been bad. It would not surprise me at all if UAA was telling people, openly, in public, that they didn't care about fans bitching. There's a lot of haughty jackasses at UF now, compared to years past.

There's something about college sports that few people seem to understand: the center of gravity is the fan, not the athlete. UF has been around 99% capacity for the last decade, despite numerous losing seasons. Nebraska sells out and they have sucked for 20 years. Nebraska will fill the football stadium for a volleyball game. Fans love their schools. The name on the front of the jersey is what dominates college sports, because that's what the fans love more than any single coach or player.

Coaches and players (or athletic directors) that ignore this, do so at their own peril. When the fans start to get tired of the mess that college sports is turning into, things are going to get very ugly. Say goodbye to $100M football facilities, TV contracts, NIL etc. If you think CFB is too big to fail, think again.

I'm now hearing talk where people want to push for straight up paychecks for football players. If that happens, basketball will be next. In a place like the SEC, you're probably looking at $5M or more to pay these players each year (total not per player). That's $5M that will not be distributed to other sports. Your men's sports that got crushed due to Title IX should be a wakeup call for everyone - if they pay players, men's AND women's sports are going to suffer. I don't think fans want to see this. Fans love their schools. One of the reasons fans will spend time and money on the big revenue sports is because they know those dollars spill over. We are looking at a real crisis for college athletics. If you start killing off these non-revenue sports you will erode a lot of motivation for younger kids to stay engaged with sports and exercise. Our nation is fat as hell. Obesity and low fitness costs us hundreds of billions each year. Unintended consequences are real.

4. CFB is a runaway train at the moment. If we don't get this under control, it's coming off the tracks and it's going to wreck a lot of things beyond itself. People want to act like CFB should be separate in every way - that's foolish. In some ways you have to treat football as unique. But it's still part of one athletic department, charged with providing a wide array of sports, all of which represent the university. This goes beyond economic silos.
Posted by theCAW
Polk County
Member since Dec 2023
2876 posts
Posted on 12/19/23 at 11:26 am to

Exactly how many of these boosters do you know?
thecaw goes to many games in both football and also in basketball so I rub shoulders with these losers all the time
I’m also very active in the 12th district so a lot of them are also in politicos

Gary condron posts on a couple Gator message boards a lot
He recently said he would stop giving money if we hired urban or lane because they don’t kiss his arse and massage his ego enough
Thecaw speaks uncomfortable truths that Disney gators can’t handle
Posted by bigDgator
Dallas, TX
Member since Oct 2008
42212 posts
Posted on 12/19/23 at 1:28 pm to

Gary condron posts on a couple Gator message boards a lot
He recently said he would stop giving money if we hired urban or lane because they don’t kiss his arse and massage his ego enough
Thecaw speaks uncomfortable truths that Disney gators can’t handle

This is bullshite. You don't have to make stuff up in order to seem important, but you know this is bullshite.

As a matter of fact Condron has said the exact opposite.


"These people swear that boosters insist on changes and run the program and we absolutely don't,'' he said. "We didn't when Jeremy was there, and we don't with Scott there."


When he says "these people" he is talking about idiots like you.

This post was edited on 12/19/23 at 1:31 pm
Posted by Cryptonbarton
Member since Sep 2022
414 posts
Posted on 12/19/23 at 2:11 pm to
He said it, so it must be true.
Don’t watch what they say. Watch what they do
Posted by theCAW
Polk County
Member since Dec 2023
2876 posts
Posted on 12/19/23 at 3:56 pm to

As a matter of fact Condron has said the exact opposite. quote:"These people swear that boosters insist on changes and run the program and we absolutely don't,'' he said. "We didn't when Jeremy was there, and we don't with Scott there." LINK When he says "these people" he is talking about idiots like you.

Yet he says the opposite when he posted on 247 and posts on rivals and on3 or whatever site he’s on after we chased that Disney Gator pussy off 247
Looks like BigD in your user name stands for “Big Disney” because your are a big Disney Gator that rides big D for the uaa
Posted by theCAW
Polk County
Member since Dec 2023
2876 posts
Posted on 12/19/23 at 4:01 pm to

said it, so it must be true. Don’t watch what they say. Watch what they do

Many of our bullgators actually come from Polk county and the surrounding 863 areas as well. They are old money typically have the most influence with the uaa and “rotting old guard” is the best way to describe them!
I actually refer to them that way quite a bit. Whether I make a move here or make a move their they are ALWAYS in the shadows just waiting to blow the whistle and cry wahahaah wahahahah thecaw can’t do that wahhahahahahahaha
They are not only loathsome ppl but also let’s be honest without their granddaddy’s money squatting on some orange groves they’d be nothing yet despite this they lack self awareness so much they act like they are Jeff Bezos with the uaa.
The uaa is even worse but together they are birds of the same feather. Which is why it all sucks now
Posted by Radio One
Yoknapatawpha County
Member since Sep 2023
2380 posts
Posted on 12/19/23 at 4:06 pm to
What is a Disney gator.
Posted by JackTraven
Member since Aug 2016
5596 posts
Posted on 12/19/23 at 4:07 pm to
Omg the CAW is here. You were meant for this place
Posted by Radio One
Yoknapatawpha County
Member since Sep 2023
2380 posts
Posted on 12/19/23 at 4:09 pm to

He’s good hey.
This post was edited on 12/19/23 at 4:10 pm
Posted by JackTraven
Member since Aug 2016
5596 posts
Posted on 12/19/23 at 4:14 pm to

He’s good hey. ?

Some of my favorite reading is on the 247 Florida Board. He pisses them off over there like no other and usually he’s right. They melt.

This is like 99% not an alter and matches his tone over there. I’m just sad there’s not more Florida fans here for him to annoy.
This post was edited on 12/19/23 at 4:15 pm
Posted by bigDgator
Dallas, TX
Member since Oct 2008
42212 posts
Posted on 12/19/23 at 4:17 pm to
Dude you are cracking me up. Welcome to the rant.

I was gonna write an aggravated retort, but I couldn't keep a straight face.

We need more of your kind here honestly. And I don't mean that in an Eddie Haskell kind of way.
This post was edited on 12/19/23 at 4:21 pm
Posted by Cryptonbarton
Member since Sep 2022
414 posts
Posted on 12/19/23 at 4:48 pm to

They are not only loathsome ppl but also let’s be honest without their granddaddy’s money squatting on some orange groves they’d be nothing yet despite this they lack self awareness so much they act like they are Jeff Bezos with the uaa. The uaa is even worse but together they are birds of the same feather. Which is why it all sucks now

Thecaw speaks the truth here. I thought you were just some obnoxious Gator Hater, but you’re touching on the real behind the scenes issues with the Florida program
Posted by bigDgator
Dallas, TX
Member since Oct 2008
42212 posts
Posted on 12/19/23 at 5:16 pm to

Thecaw speaks the truth here. I thought you were just some obnoxious Gator Hater, but you’re touching on the real behind the scenes issues with the Florida program

Nah, he really doesn't. I know a fair amount of bulls and people in the UAA for decades and it just ain't so. Does the UAA suck up to the big donors, of course. But that doesn't mean they are running the show. They are very supportive of the coaches and administrators until the writing is on the wall.

Billy is a good man and he is trying to build the program the right way and there was never a doubt he would get a 3rd year. The 4th year will be interesting. Even if he shows vast improvement it may not reflect in the wins and losses.
Posted by Lucado
Member since Nov 2023
3266 posts
Posted on 12/19/23 at 5:36 pm to
Posted by Lucado
Member since Nov 2023
3266 posts
Posted on 12/19/23 at 5:43 pm to
I want to like theCaw but I can't understand his gibberish.
Posted by idlewatcher
County Jail
Member since Jan 2012
79806 posts
Posted on 12/19/23 at 5:57 pm to

everything will be alright baw. There is more to life than football.


-every sidewalk Bama fan. Ever.
Posted by Lord Asano
Member since Dec 2021
237 posts
Posted on 12/19/23 at 6:23 pm to
You've said nothing but good things. florida widdling back in to the obscure void is good for everyone else. Kind of like when cockroaches collectively decide to leave your home.
Posted by theCAW
Polk County
Member since Dec 2023
2876 posts
Posted on 12/19/23 at 6:48 pm to

What is a Disney gator.
it’s like a Disney dawg but for gator fans instead
Posted by Radio One
Yoknapatawpha County
Member since Sep 2023
2380 posts
Posted on 12/19/23 at 6:50 pm to
Thank you.

That sounds awful
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