Sean Avery has been involved in yet another spat with his neighbors, this time he was so irate over the way they parked their cars on a street near his home, he threatened to snap their windshield wipers. According to TMZ Sports the dispute went down last Thursday in Hollywood Hills, when the former NHL player confronted a couple people, including teenagers, over some vehicles that were stopped on the street...

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user avatar
NPComb28 months
Avery was 100% right but he was wrong to make it personal. The fact that he made it political was astronomically stupid. He will wish he could take back the last half of that confrontation.
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Tiger on the Rag28 months
I guess I would have to get my arse whipped on this one for sure.
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kkv7528 months
Sean Avery has cte.
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Breauxsif28 months
“You’re a fricking Democrat” at the end, lol
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gamecockman1228 months
An apology from the teens would have been sufficient. They seem entitled and resort to arguing instead of taking responsibility for their mistake. Doesn't help that the vagina holding the camera is making comments every 10 seconds.
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kkv7528 months
Avery is soft.
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mametoo28 months
Nothing like a tough guy with a video camera trying to bait a physical confrontation.
user avatar
These are the worst. Wish he wouldve grabbed the phone and smashed it into a million pieces.
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OzChuffnugg28 months
I'm with Avery on this one. Seems like a bunch of rich entitled teenage douche bags driving around beemers and Audis at 16 years old. They probably need a good arse kicking.
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Hangit28 months
The camera homo needed a tune-up in a bad kind of ay. Sometimes, it's just too expensive to give people what they beg for
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BobABooey28 months
He doesn’t even live there. What a Karen. He could be charged with assault and needs to keep in mind that people are going to try to bait him into confrontations to get at what money he has.
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Hester Carries28 months
“Karen” is now just the mantra of unaccountable people
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RoyalAir28 months
Avery was a wildman in the NHL. He's not exaggerating when he says he's crazy.

He also was reasonable, and told the kids to not park where it clearly says not to park. Kids looked like douchebags, too. He dispensed legit advice here.
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Northshoretiger8728 months
Sean was completely reasonable here. F the old guy with the camera. What a whiny pus.
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Hester Carries28 months
I’m team Sean on this one
user avatar
Avery is a has been punk.
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