On His Bully Ball show, former Kentucky All-American DeMarcus Cousins said Rajon Rondo would be a "perfect hire" for the Wildcats to replace John Calipari...

"I honestly think Rajon would be the perfect guy for this situation," Cousins said. "Obviously he's a Kentucky kid. He played, he’s an alumni. But he understands both sides, like probably better than anybody else ever will."

"He’s great at creating the standard," Cousins said of Rondo. "He’s great at leading the ship. I don’t think there’s a better leader to lead Kentucky out of this spot than Rajon Rondo."
(The Spun)

Filed Under: Kentucky Sports
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TheMuffinMan9 months
Incredible basketball mind but it takes a certain type of dude to enjoy all the recruiting and baby-kissing and inane press conferences.
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Shaq4prez9 months
I would trust Cousins to give me directions to McDonalds
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L1C49 months
Have they not learned anything from Louisville?
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Hangit9 months
Rondo's trial starts April 25th. He may not be available, or he gets off and the judge buys a new G Wagon.
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CanebreakCajun9 months
Yes, Rando could spread his positive and lawful demeanor to young men.
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Play_Neck9 months
Rajon would be an awful coach
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Timeoday9 months
The General. Some still call him Will Wade.
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Le Tenia9 months
Prob should get some coaching experience first before gettting his shot as a HC.
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RazzleDazzle9 months
Not even on Kentucky's radar.
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Sissidog029 months
Once the administration posts bail, he’ll be here by the weekend
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GB1017LSU9 months
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Draino549 months
Buzz Williams.
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SomeLSUguy9 months
I also think it will be Buzz... He's done really good at atm with far less talent.
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tigersbb9 months

Yes, please hire Rajon. Signed : The rest of the SEC
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