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Fresh off their title win, Georgia has a new opponent - PETA. People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals fired off a letter to University of Georgia president, Jere Morehead this week asking the school to replace its iconic English bulldog, Uga X, with a human at sporting events...

PETA Executive Vice President Tracy Reiman released a statement on the matter ... saying, "As the back-to-back national champion, can’t UGA find it in its heart to honestly examine the impact of its promotion of deformed dogs and call time on its outdated, live-animal mascot program?"

"PETA is calling on Jere Morehead to be a peach and replace poor Uga with a human mascot who can support the team in a winning way."
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Filed Under: Georgia Sports
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TigerB825 months
I remember when they tried this shite with Mike the Tiger. That response letter to them was awesome. "average lifespan of a tiger in wild is 7 years, and here at LSU it's 12 years". "the tiger has a world class vet staff catering to him 24/7 and a 3 million dollar habitat to live in...." Not exact words, but from what I remember.
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ShellAtTheBeach25 months
Tigers have actually been known to reach up to 20 years of age when allowed to live as nature intended. And even the best facilities can't come close to replicating the expansive terrain that the animals would enjoy in nature, or the ability to make choices for themselves. Tigers want to be free, not be hauled around in a cage and gawked at by drunken screaming football fans.
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Akit125 months
You do realize they are taking tigers already in captivity? They aren’t going hunting in India? Please tell me you knew that.
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CanebreakCajun25 months
Shell, you're an idiot.
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Le Tenia25 months
"..of its promotion of deformed dogs"? That's insensitive, PETA! More awareness and training is needed.
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Lynxrufus201225 months
People Eating Tasty Animals. Leave the bulldog alone.
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CAD703X25 months
Maybe they should watch the documentary on how this dog is treated lol. Damn dog has the best job in the world and gets better food than I do and constant love and attention from a team dedicated to him.
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lsusteve125 months
UGA should "urge" PETA to mind their own business
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gumbeaux25 months
So what about the buffalo, longhorn steer, eagle, cock, other bulldogs, Smokey, reveille, tusk, etc etc?
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Spasweezy25 months
PETA can eat a dick.
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NytroBud25 months
Yea...frick Peta
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caliegeaux25 months
What could/would PETA do if uga said go frick yourself?
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young man tiger25 months
Hello. I’m the chairperson for Super PETA, and we are shocked and appalled at the insensitive use of the word “deformed” to describe this precious creature. Please use more sensitive language in the future when referring to this fricking dog. Thank you.
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Mahootney25 months
PETA can go euthanize themselves.
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TigerCoon25 months
They should reply that they agree, and will have Uga put to sleep. That would make their heads explode.
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Clark1425 months
We’re not talking about starving, retired greyhounds here, this dog is living the life as best as his anatomy will allow.
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Rex Feral25 months
That dog has a better life than any of the purple haired fat girls who work for PETA. They're just trying to bring him down to their level.
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gamecockman1225 months
PETA is such a freaking joke.
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Hurricane Mike25 months
How the frick do you retire a dog? Euthanize it? That's very humane PETA, you bunch of Dims
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VoxDawg25 months
PETA can suuuuuuuuck a dick.
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POTUS202425 months
This is why so many people despise PETA. Youtube filled with neglected animal videos. But they focus on a spoiled dog living better than any other canine in the country.
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CigarDawg25 months
Please Eat This A$$
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TerryDawg0325 months
People Eating Tasty Animals.
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