Rapper Kodak Black told young kids on a football team in Florida to say no to drugs because they're "too good"...
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(The Spun)
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Ghost of Colby5 months
He ain’t lying.
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GeauxtigersMs365 months
Thinking the same thing. Did he add can destroy your life? If so see nothing wrong with it
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beaverfever5 months
These kids are so screwed. Who lets some low life show up at their kid’s practice to curse while brandishing liquor and blunts? Imagine how bad of a parent you’d have to be to think that’s even remotely ok.
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Geauxldninja5 months
Theyre all laughing at his dumb arse too like they are okay with it. I keep coming back to watch this cuz I kinda think its funny but also cant believe its real.
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cajunmud5 months
I couldn't understand what he was saying but if the write-up is 6th grade teacher did the same damn thing.

We had anti-drug education sessions that seemed like it lasted for weeks, and when describing each kind of different drug over the weeks she would almost always start out that this drug makes you feel real good...or something to that effect. So when I got older I wanted to feel me some of that good too...haha.
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Shaq4prez5 months
this has to be a skit. Guy with the mic to the left of the "speaker" puffing smoke out of his mouth while the speaker is holding a beer and cigarette (or) blunt. I cant believe this is real
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YMCA5 months
This reminds me of Lawrence Taylor and Bobby Boucher on Waterboy.
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AtlantaLSUfan5 months
Except people could understand LT.
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NorthstarinLA5 months
Why would the coach/parents pick him as a guest speaker? Says more about the coachs/parents...not a good sign for their future upbringing
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SCLibertarian5 months
This is literally the Tyrone Biggums skit from Chappelle Show.
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Geauxldninja5 months
What a fricking idiot lol. I would laugh harder at how stupid this foo is but he’s saying it to kids. Them kids wanna idolize a dude with half a brain. It’s not every day you see an actual legit buffoon, but here this dude is.
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redfish995 months
Barely human.
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Datbayoubengal5 months
Kodak Black is a fool lmao. This is bad, but im sorry, it's also funny to me.
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SwampyWaters5 months
What a DA! We wonder why some kids do the stupid crap they do, it's because they have role models that can barely speak and when they do, they promote drugs! Whoever invited him should have his arse beat! That's disgusting!
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