Florida football players turned their locker room into a boxing ring on Tuesday and laced them up. Fight club style...

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Filed Under: Florida Sports
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CajunSoldier225103 months
Men fight. It's what we do.
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LSUBeefMaster103 months
...if you want to pound the flesh =#@*&%....wjy don't you do it yourself !!
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Paddyshack103 months
More grab-assing than fighting.
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pellietigersaint103 months
I wonder is Mceldouch approved this? lol
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saint amant steve103 months
It's all fun and games until a star players suffers from a concussion due to an unprotected blow to the head...this is seriously retarded. At the very least, put on some head gear. Hell, most boxers even do that while sparring.
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thePeakyPrince103 months
Head gear does little to protect against concussions, it's worn to prevent cutting. I wouldn't expect idiots on this website to know the difference
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MemberSince2003103 months
That was a bitch move @ 41 seconds. That's the guy we will be talking about after he takes a player's knee out with a cheap shot.
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WithaRebelYell103 months
That's how our gaurd got hurt boxing in the locker room. Dumbass fricked his shoulder up.
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fisherbm1112103 months
Why do I not find it surprising that Florida players are running a fight club with money most likely being thrown around.
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