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(Barstool Sports)
Filed Under: Boxing/MMA
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I'd pay to watch this
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Nole Man2 days
Nice theory but at least put some in the same weight class. Those are like 250 lb. professionals against 135 high schoolers.
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wesman212 days
Terrible organization. They should have split more evenly OR all ten go after the big guy first, immobilize the legs and just pound to the head. The small guy may start picking them off from behind, but it would take some time.
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tigeraddict2 days
This. Split 8/2 or 7/3. With the smaller group going defensive and the larger group going offensive. And try to circle the fighter. Can’t block from behind.
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Jyrdis2 days
Dumb. 2 guys each go for legs instead of all trying to brawl.
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exactly. Rigged or they didn't plan at all. 10 on 2 is 5 on 1. Any sort of plan by each 5 should be able to subdue 1.
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Hoodie2 days
Cobra Kai never dies.
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POTUS20242 days
Obviously rigged.
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