This dude wasn't going to let some measly wedding get in the way of watching Auburn play USF this weekend...
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(The Spun)
Filed Under: Auburn Sports
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TigerFanatic9926 months
Does anyone really think that's real?
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atltiger648726 months
completely fake. That's just CBS promoting college BBall.
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KAGTASTIC26 months
For a bball game??? Yeah not real. DVR it and watch it later while drunk banging your chick.
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michaeldwde26 months
Thank God we're a basketball school..

He definitely wouldn't risk divorce for our football team, this year..
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Sgt Tuffnuts26 months
"Basketball school"
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UGATiger2626 months
If it had been a football game, I maaaybe would've believed this could be real. They jumped the shark going with BB.
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LRB196726 months
I would miss my own wedding if the Iron Bowl was on.
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