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Alabama offensive lineman Elijah Pritchett has reportedly been arrested prior to the CFB Playoff for knowingly transmitting a sexually transmitted disease...

"Stephanie Taylor, a spokeswoman for the Tuscaloosa Police Department, confirmed a report was filed last week that led to a warrant for Pritchett's arrest being issued and served Wednesday evening," the report states.

"Pritchett, 19, was charged under AL Code 22-11A-21, which classifies the knowing transmission of a sexually transmitted disease as a Class C misdemeanor."
(The Spun)
Filed Under: Alabama Sports
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secfballfan12 months
I feel bad for the guy he gave it to!
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Btrtigerfan12 months
Has anyone let Gary Danielson know? He needs to get checked.
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Herman Frisco12 months
Didn’t know you could get clap of the throat?
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jpainter617412 months
Cant believe his sister would rat him out like that.
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Shooter12 months
I can't believe he did his sister like that!
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Gus Tinsley12 months
Touché’ my friend!!! LOL
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CanebreakCajun12 months
Damn. I have like 23 ladies I need to file charges on.
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MOJO_ERASER12 months
Not something to be bragging about stupid fux
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CanebreakCajun12 months
Sarcasm is lost on the mindless.
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Saunson6912 months
It's not 23 but I bet 1 or 2 did haha
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JackieTreehorn12 months
It’s the gift that keeps on giving the whole year round Clark.
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lunchbox047912 months
Saban will get him out of it and give him a new car. They can do no wrong.
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LSU Tiger Eyes12 months
I am sure the whole family are now at the clinic getting checked!
¯\_( ?? ?? ??)_/¯
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Homer Pelican12 months
Roll Aides
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soccerfüt12 months
He literally is an “offensive” tackle.
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LSU Tiger Eyes12 months
What is he, a sophomore? Alabama will be 'clapp-ing' for him.
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Dragula12 months
He's giving his sister all kinds of gifts this Christmas... #RollDamnTide
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BigDropper12 months
Give Elijah a break, he spent his adoloscence working and sweating while we were all home in the air conditioning.
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spslayto12 months
Wonder if Saban blamed it on overzealous LSU fans.
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G I Jeaux12 months
He got from his aunt/cousin/sister
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lsusteve112 months

But typical for a Gump
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LSU FSU Grad12 months
I hope his sister recovers.
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bluedragon12 months
We can't say anything. At least ours tapes everything and puts it on Pornhub as a part of NIL money .....
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BabyTac12 months
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Hangit12 months
Was it the mad syph, or did he give the girl/boy the HIV?
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PeleofAnalytics12 months
Pretty sure HIV has escalators that would make it a felony charge.
user avatar
Hangit12 months
So, updated charges are possible?
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CallmeSteveo12 months
It burns when I pee coach
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