Bama OL Cam Robinson Tweets Dig At School Claiming To Be 'DBU'
Tim Heitman-USA TODAY Sports
At this point I think there are like 5-10 schools who have declared themselves "Defensive Back University" in the last year or two. Alabama offensive lineman Cam Robinson must have been a little bored on this Friday, as he tweeted out a little dig at those schools claiming to be "DBU"...
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Trash talking in February...nice.

Filed Under: Alabama Sports
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ForeverLSU02107 months
That kid should learn to keep his mouth shut already.
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Rabern57107 months
He should just stick holding defensive linemen every play instead of trash talking.
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wildtigercat93107 months
I like my linemen like I like my one night stands: fat and quiet
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Dr. Morgus107 months
Bored? He should go bra shopping
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9th Green At 9107 months
Noice, real Noice
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DoubleDown107 months
ForeverLSU02 - Why should he keep his mouth shut? He's a national champion.
Calm down, L5U. Down like the trash talk? Beat 'em. Till then, own the ridicule you've earned.
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ForeverLSU02107 months
That POS was trash talking before he even played a snap at Bama and takes digs at LSU every chance he gets. You'd think he'd have some humility by now.
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MykTide107 months
Cam sure gets a rise out of L5U fans.
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Geaux Tahel107 months
Proof that it doesn't take brains to the UofGump
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eugene1928LSU107 months
I hope I have a chance to interview him for a job in Louisiana. His best bet is to stay in dumpville/gumpville for the rest of his inbred life.
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GeauxLSUGeaux107 months
He could be charging LSU rent for being in his head so much.
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GeauxLSUGeaux107 months
And before that he retweeted lil snupe's tweet " I hold it down for Louisiana" lol well thankfully most do!
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jem77107 months
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JuiceTerry107 months
Yeah Eugene, I'm sure a first round NFL Draft pick will one day come sulking back to Louisiana and try to hit you up to be a fellow sandwich artist.
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lsuhunt555107 months
I'm surprised he's literate enough to spell correctly.
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Nat58107 months
He is paid well to say that
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MoarKilometers107 months
When bama wins #6 in a row I hope he does an LSU themed remix of drag 'em from the river.
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namvet6566107 months
Hope you get a job n Hooverville
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kjanchild107 months
He better hope he doesn't go bankrupt like 76% former players do!
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kjanchild107 months
He better hope he doesn't go bankrupt like 76% former players do!
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