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re: See, the animals are gay too

Posted by FooManChoo on 5/20/24 at 4:57 pm
[quote]That was fairly direct. You expect me to give your faith and mythology the same weight as objectivity. I refuse to do thar, and you try to pass that off as deflection or whatever else is convenient to you. It's not new for me, but it might be for you.[/quote]You do the same thing to others...

re: See, the animals are gay too

Posted by FooManChoo on 5/20/24 at 4:52 pm
[quote]It isn't. In the past, I wasted time getting you to the point of saying "it's in this book." Now, we just skip to the end.[/quote]Again, more deflection and dodging. :lol:...

re: See, the animals are gay too

Posted by FooManChoo on 5/20/24 at 4:50 pm
[quote]Your only purpose here is to demonstrate that this isn't new because they're guilty of the same shite you try to pull. Misrepresenting your opponent's position is just your game.[/quote]False accusation against me, but par for the course. I wouldn't expect anything else from you. More deflect...

re: See, the animals are gay too

Posted by FooManChoo on 5/20/24 at 4:44 pm
[quote]...and this fricking idiot who regularly gets owned by FooLaneCraig jumping in with you solidifies that.[/quote]Don't bring me into this. I was happy to let you all talk about this amongst yourselves. They've got you pegged: you are characterized by taking cheap potshots and refusing to d...
[quote]OK, you got me, Liberator. No more hi-jacking [b][u]this thread[/u][/b] from me.[/quote] :lol:...
[quote]This makes me think that you don't understand what sola scriptura actually means. We know exactly what it means. It means that United Methodists can be practicing homosexuals and still be pastors and still get to Heaven, according to Sola Scriptura and how these Methodists interpret the Bibl...
[quote]I am condemning with absolute certainty the man made practice of being your own magisterium. I fully reject any idea that God's plan for his Church was to have each individual solely determining what the text means for them. When each individual has the license and Calvin/Luther/Henry VIII...
It makes sense that killing your own children can be mentally traumatic for the average person. ...
[quote]I hope and pray that you and others reject the heresy of an illogical and impossible (to the early Church) practice: Sola Scriptura.[/quote]This makes me think that you don't understand what [i]sola scriptura[/i] actually means. What you're doing is condemning a Christian's view of God's w...
I hope the Pope repents of his sins and puts his trust in Jesus Christ alone by faith alone for salvation before it is too late....

re: See, the animals are gay too

Posted by FooManChoo on 5/16/24 at 12:56 pm
Sin doesn't apply to animals but it does to human beings. What they are promoting is the lack of moral agency in humans when comparing things like sexuality to animals, who are not moral agents and are not held to moral standards of theft, murder, or rape. If humans "are just born that way" when ...
[quote]Oh yes, it’s such a hardship being white and Christian. Give me a break.[/quote]Christianity is completely at odds with the winds of change that have promoted sexual liberation, bodily autonomy, and identity issues that are prevalent in our society. Everything “woke” is hailed in our culture ...

re: How is He getting away with it?

Posted by FooManChoo on 5/15/24 at 7:16 pm
[quote]but it seems like a lot of people have rose-colored memories of pre-2020 life in America. Low interest rates, [b]okay economy[/b].[/quote]:lol:...
For everyone’s sake, it would be best to always stay away from those parades, ISIS or not....
“We are inclusive of all viewpoints that agree with our own”-NFL...
[quote]OK, then you're a bunch of cowards.[/quote]What do you think should be done to be pro-life and not be cowardly?...
Makes sense. When you don't have an objective source for morality through God's moral law, you become a law unto yourself. If your law says that humans are just more complex amoebas with no inherent value and rights from God, then human life can be snuffed out for "the greater good", which is essent...
I’m against it as a violation of the 6th commandment....
[quote]Jesus would want us to pray as hard as we can that one day soon every man, woman and child in Palestine will be dead.[/quote]God’s elect people come from all nations; He saves through the gospel message being shared around the world. Christians should be praying that Jesus’ kingdom would expa...