Favorite team:Longwood
Number of Posts:21346
Registered on:10/2/2009
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[quote]You would still have to pay the 50 bucks for The Final Shape to play the new stuff.[/quote] Ahhh. Always a catch. Maybe when the game gets bad enough and it’s fully free to play I’ll see yall on the battlefield. Like that one time I played BF3 with dev and he never spoke to me again. ...
Y’all playing on PS5? I noticed Destiny 2 or something was just out on PS plus. Not asking because I’m potentially interested in squading up or anything………………. ...
[quote]Are you suggesting that saying every death is a result of the vax(whether genuine or in jest) is doing something? ETA: and on a heavily right leaning message board at that it would be different if he went to Reddit and kept posting that.[/quote] Still haven’t answered the question...
[quote]He told me he wasn't getting it, but I think he lied.[/quote] Never trust a man with an alias “Devious”....
[quote]anyone playing?[/quote] Without reading the thread… I’ll assume a poster named Devious is playing. Think he’s the only one here that does....
[quote]Translation: “I hate what democrats did so I’m going to do the same thing democrats do”.[/quote] What do you suggest he do?...
At least she admits prices are highest they have ever been. ETA: fricking bee...
[quote]Who the frick is this guy and why is every single post of his a god damn novel?[/quote] Just a new generation of GB posters I guess. The wife is supposed to be getting me a PC upgrade for my birthday. If that happens…you frickers better be ready. I’m coming in hot and ima have a lot t...

re: This ump

Posted by Blitzed on 6/3/24 at 6:40 pm
He couldn’t wait to ring him up....
[quote]Conspiracy theorists [/quote] [img]https://y.yarn.co/fd70410d-ef25-490c-96dd-b9fbf3f57e02_text.gif[/img] ...
I thought the same. Glad I wasn’t the only one....
[quote]Takes too much practice.[/quote] Not really as long as you are playing with a controller. ...
[quote]Looking for something mindless to play on PS[/quote] CoD...
[quote]We do not claim him.[/quote] I kind of want to. The GB needs guys like him…willing to poke the bear. To make a thread worth clicking and lol at the rustled jimmies. It’s just…he doesn’t go about it the right way. He’s got a lot to learn. He’s got the ideas/subjects to troll about…it’s j...
Guess I’ll update as well. On the return trip to Zion after going up. I loved the ride up and everything including the boss and its arena. I have been super busy and haven’t been able to play quite as much lately but do hope to beat it soon. I did collect all 49 cans and was sad that I’m st...
Wonder if that arrest would shock the world?...
[quote]VoxDawg[/quote] [img]https://media1.giphy.com/media/DfLwM9kttDFEQ/giphy.gif?cid=6c09b952q1tarzr66z95d3yvfwaz0z9zqrdmohnf07hpsbt4&ep=v1_gifs_search&rid=giphy.gif&ct=g[/img]...