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[quote]Pronouns are now Marxism, this what actual indoctrination looks like. Hating people for being people and villainizing them as something evil. But yeah it’s the writers who used pronouns those are the true villains.[/quote] No, these frickers are fascist bullies that command everyone conform...
[quote]Bruh come on. Iron Man was was made b/c comic book movies like Spider Man, Fantastic Four, Blade, and X-Men were all successful at the box office. It had frick all to do w/LOTR. You dont need to make shite up.[/quote] Well not the Fantastic Four, but I think yall are underselling how insane ...
[quote]also LOTR wasn’t even the highest grossing movies based on a fantasy novel when it came out. That would be Harry Potter.[/quote] I give Harry Potter some credit, but Harry Potter wasn’t a risk. It was seen as insane when they split up the Deathly Hallows into two films at the time, when...
Maybe by his direct hands, but there are others that are higher: [img]https://static.tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pub/images/ozymandias.jpg[/img]...
[quote]Why did you post 3 separate links to the same exact X post?[/quote] It’s all the same. Just copy and pasted the text onto the link....
[quote]Tried to kill RFK? What are those details?[/quote] A man pretending to be in his security detail as a US Marshall was uncovered by his security team that was armed and there to kill him: [link=(https://www.latimes.com/california/story/2023-09-16/armed-man-impersonated-u-s-marshal-at-robert...
Someone has already tried to kill him in the past year. Both DeSantis and Vivek openly said they’d make RFK a member of their administration. Trump should absolutely ask RFK to be in his administration, and RFK would probably accept it if he lost. While he’d be terrified of getting killed by the CIA...
[quote]This. I think Trump is more in danger of assassination than any candidate in decades.[/quote] RFK is really high up there as well. If Trump wins, he’s almost certainly going to try to put RFK on his cabinet or in a major position. RFK would be solid for Attorney General, Secretary of State...
Some are reporting that this may be Fake News. Standby....
[quote]I'd love for him to go with Rand.[/quote] Rand is more value where he is in the Senate than being the Vice President. The only role Rand should leave for is if he’s offered Secretary of State, and he’d be a great choice there....
[img]https://media4.giphy.com/media/FNBHUqruiI1m1gLDh8/200w.gif?cid=6c09b9525sj7kulii0swie3o18p8kq8rvv431ovk6zt2bel8&ep=v1_gifs_search&rid=200w.gif&ct=g[/img] And we know this fat pig isn’t going to be fasting anytime soon. I remember Jonathan Butler where he said he was fasting, and then the pus...
[link=(https://x.com/bgatesisapyscho/status/1787608960129790289?s=46)]Breaking: Assassination attempt on Saudi Arabia’s Crown Prince Mohammad Bin Salman He survived but a number of his security detail reported to have died. The World continues to get more insane with each passing day.[/link] ...
Yeah, because white people have never made good music. Just ask Mozart, Beethoven, Wagner, The Beatles, Elvis, Led Zeppelin, Elton John, or Billy Joel....
[quote]Of all the problems with the franchise, ole Libs of TikTok focuses on the dumbest thing possible. But hey gotta scare the shite out of those folks that are scared of pronouns [/quote] I’m done with putting up with any of this bullshite. “It’s Just-” yeah how about these people just frick off...
[quote]should be immediately fired and charged with extortion[/quote] That as well....
Fire the commie immediately. Additionally Trump must demand that all publicly funded universities must fire all communist professors and staff and anyone who works for DEI or had ever worked for DEI, or else all their public funding will be revoked. I’ll give them a semester to do it since I know it...
[quote]I dont think that’s true. Superhero movies were making money for decades before LOTR.[/quote] Not really. All there really was was Spider-Man and X-Men. Batman being a success in 1989 isn’t much of an argument. Batman Begins was a minor success in 2005. Now maybe they would have don...
[quote]also it’s probably Iron Man. The ripple from the marvel MCU can be felt not only in the superhero Genre but how all studios approach franchises and even all theatrical releases for better or worse.[/quote] There’s no Iron Man/MCU without Lord of the Rings. Sorry, they wouldn’t have taken t...
This is how absurd Star Wars has gotten. One of the bad guys (haven’t watched enough to know if she’s Sith) stabs a Jedi in the back that is non-binary and kills him/her, however the killer still has enough respect to use the Jedi’s they/them preferred pronouns after murdering him/her in cold blood....