Favorite team:Detroit Mercy
Location:Tom Brady = GoAT
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Registered on:12/7/2007
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Talladega Nights. Insanely quoteable, scenes are so over the top, just suffers from the usual 00's comedy issues....
I mean with how corrupt most governments are, I get the frustration. I know absolutely nothing about this dude and his wife, but I do know the government of the people is laughable....
No. I used to fight this fight all the time when flying for the state of Louisiana. I made it a point to fly and stay at as cheap of hotels as I safely could because it was the taxpayers money. The one, one convenience I gave myself was a window seat on all my flights. I am not small, but I've be...
It's a good thing he's an NFL QB and not an outfielder for the Mets I guess?...
Patriot Act + This is gonna be insane...
It doesn't solve anything because there's no collective bargaining. There's literally nothing stopping this lawsuit from happening again two years from now....
2 is okay. I need to beat it....
I thought it had to do with a local rivalry, not gangs? ...
Not sure who they are talking to, but I've never seen it. Inappropriate language, yep. Literally had some drop a frick, shite, and bitch in an interview....
I cut back from twice a week to twice a month. Also cut back on going to breweries and doing other things. That being said, you're amounts are incredibly off. I eat out in San Diego when I fly out there for work, and I have to try relatively hard to get tickets over a hundred....
[quote]How fresh are we talking for the roast date? You want something roasted in the last 90 days? Month? Week? Just trying to gauge where people’s expectations are when they buy.[/quote] If I'm buying local, within a week of purchase, and I understand it will lose some flavor after two weeks...
[quote]1. Whats your set up? Drip, pour over, french press etc.[/quote] Depending on what I want I pour over, French press, and Aero press. [quote]2. Do you grind your own beans?[/quote] Yes, flavor is noticeably better. [quote]3. What are some of your favorite beans and is it more impor...
Journalists ask why people think whores are more trustworthy, yet post drivel like this. The media truly is the enemy of the people....
Uninsured or criminally underinsured motorists should be beaten every single day....
What food trucks are you going to that are cheap? Half the time shits more expensive than sit down....
While you're not wrong, companies are more and more going to standardized wages and stopping people from getting promoted too quickly. The other assumption is that someone like me cannot get both the good benefits and increase in pay by moving employers every 3 to 5 years. That hasn't been considere...
[quote]But you really don't. That's certainly one route should you want to take it but it's not the only route. It's just the only route some people know.[/quote] Can you please provide alternatives? Obviously getting promoted leads to increases, but good luck negotiating salary increases with pr...
[quote]I think child support can be inherently unfair in many situations and it does need an overhaul. I've tossed the idea around to many attorneys and judges but I've yet to hear a better blanket alternative to what's in place. The guidelines probably need to be changed, but knowing out legislatur...
I mean let's all be honest, I seriously doubt any of this happened the way she says it did ...