Favorite team:Rice 
Location:Little Five Points
Biography:Amateur Statistician but I still need my computer tower back from the geek squad because the power supply was bad I think
Occupation:I have a condition.
Number of Posts:627
Registered on:10/25/2022
Online Status:Not Online

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Have you forgotten that your school hired Hugh Freeze and Bruce Pearl? The two sleaziest coaches in the conference? What do you think people on message boards are going to say about Auburn? :lol:...
[quote]I'm just here for the triggered Auburn fans[/quote] :popcorn:...
[quote]Where did Steffi Graf matriculate?[/quote] That sounds disgusting. But I’m also interested....
[quote]you are a frequent poster on anything related to Auburn University[/quote] Okay. Now what? :lol:...

re: Whistler deserves this

Posted by Summer of Jimbo on 6/1/24 at 1:34 pm
[quote]Are there whistler imitators? In cas he doesn’t show up?[/quote] Yes, but they all suck. He just blows....
[quote]Apparently not judging by your post history and frequent Auburn thread started on the rant[/quote] Please link which threads I’ve started about Auburn. Zero. ZERO. That stuff you got ahold of is making you paranoid man. :lol: ...

re: Whistler deserves this

Posted by Summer of Jimbo on 6/1/24 at 1:25 pm
Everyone in the stadium brought noise canceling headphones?...
I’m bothering you [b]that much[/b]? Guess the truth really does hurt. :wah:...
[quote]You're into high school sports for the wrong reason if you think this is why the majority of kids play.[/quote] There are also plenty of club sports in college where the players get absolutely nothing, and have to pay their own way....
Not bad. I’ve followed his stuff and it’s been solid. Not always accurate like you said, but he uses legitimate data....
[quote]Staying here[/quote] What’s your room number...
[quote]Those Koreans and their music crack me up[/quote] Speaking of cracks, they say the Korean tacos tend to lean sideways but I have yet to verify this [quote]This genuinely made me laugh[/quote] This is pleasing to hear, friend ...
[quote]Too fancy and ethnic for my tastes[/quote] I enjoy the occasional ethnic taco once in awhile if you catch my drift...
Sup RO No you can add your own sauce or bean paste or pickled ingredients or whatever, so unless the meat is marinated in something it’s not hot. And most isn’t marinated. Is that regular mustard or brown spicy? Did you opt for onions...

re: Texas AD Must Be Senile

Posted by Summer of Jimbo on 6/1/24 at 11:22 am
By the Sports Business Journal? Give me a break....
[quote]I’m eating lunch right now I can’t see the television set from the kitchen[/quote] I’m craving Korean barbecue but they only show karaoke on their TVs...
[quote]A forgotten Auburn is a dangerous Auburn. That's a longtime thing.[/quote] Yep. Auburn has been forgotten for a long long time. :lol:...
[quote]Not my fault I’m surrounded by a bunch of uncultured Robert Frost haters.[/quote] Who is Robert Frost? Is he the cereal guy?...
[quote]Bama only being a post covid success story is just swell.[/quote] I always forget you just started watching basketball a few years ago. And then you go and remind us....