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The more good things that happen for Trump like this, the higher the percentage I think they try to put him in jail. ...
I agree. I hope it slows down the border crossing while ALSO pissing people off that it wasn’t done earlier. Best of both worlds. [img]https://y.yarn.co/fd6c1b70-e484-4def-8937-e4cc70fcc1f7_text.gif[/img]...
This move is so political and because he is losing so bad and has to do something to appease the independents. Basically admits Trump was/is right. Trump is not already in office and is closing the border :lol:...
I can’t lie…I legitimately want to sit in on some of these classes and just take it all in. I want to know how these idiots spend their time and money…our money....
I couldn't agree with this more. Helping people, even in small ways is an great way to find meaning. There are other people out there with WAY more problems that you or any of us will ever know. Go find those people and find a way to help them. You'll find great meaning in doing that. Your job...

re: UNC 2024 Home record

Posted by Laugh More on 6/2/24 at 10:44 pm
Well done. ...

re: If Trump does time in Rykers

Posted by Laugh More on 6/2/24 at 9:57 pm
“Unified Rykers” has a ring to is…would absolutely troll the shite out of the left :lol:...
I was expecting a surprise of an answer and got something we all already knew dammit!...
Looks like we have to do it ourselves like the SC game :lol:...
Yea but Hillary is always missing a shoe and that gives me a nice chuckle :lol:...

re: Billions TV Show Comes to Life

Posted by Laugh More on 5/31/24 at 11:51 pm
A bunch of these nerds that work for the Biden campaign and other democrats probably binged that show and came to work the next day and were like, “alright, hear me out…”...
Get ready to see a lot of in shape 30 something’s all wearing khakis and masks that are totally not feds… [img]https://media3.giphy.com/media/hgfy7tbUdT7Hy/giphy.gif?cid=6c09b95233v2h9tnh5wi98z3bos5bzd52e2mcs3z5h6qyl60&ep=v1_gifs_search&rid=giphy.gif&ct=g[/img]...
You think that matters? They will say felon for a week to get all their minions to repeat it and the quiiiietly put a correction out :lol: Besides, I think they were elevated to felonies because of the furtherance of another crime…a crime they couldn’t name and need three different ones :lol:...
It’s all about context. He’s saying this for a book, but it’s a weird time to say things like that… Having said that, just imagine the hysteria if Trump had said anything related to this, especially right now in this political climate :lol:...

re: Biden's Committment to a Debate

Posted by Laugh More on 5/30/24 at 7:20 am
What about Biden’s performance and general ability to remain alive in the past year gives you confidence that he will do well in a debate against Trump now?...

re: Moana 2 - Official Teaser Trailer

Posted by Laugh More on 5/29/24 at 10:01 pm
frickin yikes man. Go put your nose in the corner and think about what you did posting that. ...

re: Interesting take on pride month

Posted by Laugh More on 5/29/24 at 9:40 pm