Favorite team:Atlanta Braves 
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Registered on:10/23/2021
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i'm not telling you. we like our clean parks. we don't want your rainbow flags and shite...
[quote]Catholic [/quote] [img]https://c.tenor.com/JWofPiMcdbcAAAAd/sarcasm-sign.gif[/img] [img]https://img.fae.ro/fc6961.jpeg[/img]...
Well, I did just find out an interesting fact. Aparently she is on the Indiana team. I gotta think that’s the best possible place for a great white basketball hope. The universe has a way of working things out ...
Someone said a while back, they really should just pin a Caitlin Clark megathread...
I lined my parrot's cage with the Washington Post and now all he can say is "orange man bad"...
I can’t believe people are still paying for music a quarter century after napster...
Cool, sounds fun. Turn on TV to watch sports. Daddy, what's Pride Month? Turn TV off [img]https://media.istockphoto.com/id/1004865808/vector/family-is-protected-by-an-umbrella-silhouette-propaganda-lgbt-flag-traditional-family-with.jpg?s=170667a&w=0&k=20&c=dmpp7QSL4AzTtmX0df-rpDAhIhBOuIZ5Wb5In...

re: Official French Open Thread

Posted by Gaggle on 5/30/24 at 7:22 pm
Yeah that's how it is on TV. Flag next to every player except the Russians and Belarusians. It's pretty shitty in my opinion ...

re: Official French Open Thread

Posted by Gaggle on 5/30/24 at 7:15 pm
Trigger warning the Belarusian lady just won. This is the flag of Belarus. That's where she is from. :ahh: [img]https://i5.walmartimages.com/asr/4fd54992-e3d1-49db-9563-a948837f55c1.b028b59b682fdc279cda6d1880f4f3de.jpeg?odnHeight=768&odnWidth=768&odnBg=FFFFFF[/img]...
So what you're saying is Bama could win the National Championship but we should feel bad for the Auburn transfer?...
Seems irrelevant. He likes building legos, now he's going to war!...
I crunched the numbers and after the LeBron is my daddy evaluation bump and a second Lebron is my daddy draft day bump Bronny is going to be drafted mid 1st round. the math is all there...
[quote]$10,000 to a cartel[/quote]the cartel is bigger buffer than our leftists would be policy...
ok if we have russia-ukraine, israel-palestine, and china-taiwan all going on at once does that count as ww3...

re: Guy at the back just knew

Posted by Gaggle on 5/23/24 at 12:35 pm
[quote]Street Hawk[/quote]Bot...
[quote]Hamas appropriated the food to be sold to whoever would pay the most for it in other countries. [/quote]jesus man OUR GOVERNMENT IS CORRUPT...
[quote]David Geffen School of Medicine[/quote]UAB medical school recently renamed themselves Heersink School of Medicine, after Dr. Heersink MD an alum who made a 100 million dollar donation In California the the nine figure donations and honorific renamings are done not by medical doctor alumni,...

re: SEC Baseball Tourney is for the POURS

Posted by Gaggle on 5/23/24 at 10:51 am
You drive a hard bargain. Ok $3500 and it's yours....
The same way you practice basketball to beat the other guys. It's their social competition. They don't love the compliment, they're scared of the insult....
Never heard that. It's an obvious lie. Woman sympathize and compliment each other as a purely social function, almost universally, to their absolute enemies. Then they turn around and talk shite immediately. Women know this....