Favorite team:Georgia 
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Registered on:1/13/2021
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So, more fake news from HHM and the fake news people. [embed]https://x.com/BigFish3000/status/1789319167276925387[/embed]...
It looked like she was about to start crying. He hurt her to her shallow soul....
So, MIT is going back to Earn It, and quitting the "Didn't Earn It" game? cool...
[quote] yall never read my posts, of course its a troll[/quote]I know, but just down voted for the fun of it. :usa:...
This can't make Lyndsey Graham happy. Or, Biden, or any of the other blood thirsty war first hawks....
It is only years before manned fighters are obsolete. The hardware can handle Gs that the human can not....
less than 100 hundred years after this heroic effort. It is sad. [img]https://assets.newatlas.com/dims4/default/c24611c/2147483647/strip/true/crop/2000x1333+0+0/resize/2000x1333!/quality/90/?url=http%3A%2F%2Fnewatlas-brightspot.s3.amazonaws.com%2F31%2F57%2F31833e7341d7915e1846b8056219%2Fdepositp...
Damn you. You got me into the X rabbit hole and an hour later I have crawled back out and onto TD....
[quote]This is why they will go all in on winning this, they don’t intend to turn power over.[/quote] They went all in last time. Can they do more without a violent outbreak? ...
Only old fogies still rely on cable (and yeah, I am old). OANN has streaming from their website [link=(https://www.oann.com/)]https://www.oann.com/[/link], from their own phone apps and on Rumble. Eventually, the cable carriers will die and people will just have internet and get what they want w...
[quote]quote: and, unfortunately, his son will continue his BS. everybody brings this up - I can assure you we have enough rope for both of them[/quote] I think once pops is gone, the little fig will disappear. He is just trying to impress him so he gets all the loot....
I wonder if Boeing is being sabotaged by large stock shorters. ...
[quote] Annnnnd right to the gun control narrative I imagine.[/quote] Surprisingly, not so far. It was buried in the story about who the ahole was. I think the hiding the perp agenda takes precedence over the tyranny....