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The “they only want to get married “ & “but they just want a better life” crowd can kiss my arse...
Imagine the ones that lost to her ?...
So it’s a pageant not a beauty pageant I guess ...
I think Biden is referring to himself. He’s been a danger for 40 years and it’s America that’s struggling ...
Guys seem to be winning more than women are lately. Are these judges white guilt or gay themselves ...
Well she gets bbc and he gets a Congressman’s notch in his belt ...
Kinda telling that democrats suffer from brain damage, once they seek correction they become “normal “...
This has been proven wrong so many times but dregs like you keep revisiting it ...
She probably has a stipulation in that settlement that she can’t belittle him ...
Yes I get it but it’s the bitching not the pictures that would be the highlight ...
Wait till actual men are taking pictures inside the locker rooms ...
But hey it’s okay for regular citizens to be worried about illegals ending our peaceful family lives and FBI destroying the way of life ...
Thanks for the extra push to the finish line at the voting booth ...
Because democrats lawyers, judges & politicians would not allow advancement in the courts ...
I thought the light was shown on AG the other day that he couldn’t be given Special Prosecutor status since he was never confirmed and had no legal authority to act as so ? ...
I’m trying to figure out if the 150K difference in totals actually means the democrats know the cheating is going to hold again this time since it’s up to almost OMB levels ...
Amazing amount of people are ready to back the rights of people who would enjoy immoralities with your children. The mental issues aside I fault the people who have rallied behind these sexual deviants ...
They do not want him to speak. Lol this will backfire even more ...
You just made me throw up while eating reading the headline ...
This is their hope and why Haley is being pushed ...