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I'd add another. Congress can ONLY meet in DC once a quarter for a period of one week. The remainder of their time, they must live in their district/state among the people they represent. Emergency sessions can be added, if necessary. Meetings, oversight, etc can all be handled via zoom. ...
[quote] There's absolutely, positively no shortage of peer pressure in high school. It's as forceful now as it's always been.[/quote] I would wager that peer pressure is even worse with the advent of social media. Prior to social media, a kid could be bullied at school, and he could escape it by...
[quote]Social/peer pressure actually serves a very valuable purpose. It can be overdone but it can also be underdone, and we've let the pendulum swing too far to the under.[/quote] The problem is the zero tolerance policies that have infected schools because it removes common sense. Sure, everyon...
[quote] I will call you crazy. Justice Haynes is a stud and showed it in the Michigan game. Why he was not playing before that is beyond me. (i know, blocking assignments)[/quote] I wonder if he got hurt. When he came in during the Michigan game, he was wearing an elbow brace...
[quote]Reagan lost California forever with his stupid Amnesty bullshite. Epic tragic blunder. He pretty much guaranteed California to the Dems with that stupid stunt.[/quote] Yep. 100% spot on. Every blue-haired, transgendered, vegan Antifa member frequently bring up Reagan’s amnesty as the infle...
[quote]it, I am arguing that you shouldn’t be so irrationally afraid of it you brand it as something it’s not like fascist ideology (which is does share some aesthetics similarities with like the now infamous de frago fascist saying equating to something like we don’t care in English) but the intent...
[quote]Elisha Cuthbert...... [/quote] Just don’t look at any of her recent pictures. ...

re: Most Versatile Actor

Posted by Ten Bears on 6/5/24 at 1:36 pm
There are so many...some that haven't been mentioned Actresses: Meryl Streep, Frances McDormand, Jodie Foster Actors: Tom Hanks (only needs to be a villain to complete his resume) Jeff Bridges Tom Cruise Paul Giamatti Dustin Hoffman ...

re: Nationwide Zyn shortage

Posted by Ten Bears on 6/5/24 at 12:12 pm
Do they even make Hawken anymore? That stuff was bad arse back in the 80s...
[quote] Influence...no one. Entertainment value...Chris Plante.[/quote] This. None of the other commentators mentioned even try to be humorous. That's what made Rush so frickin awesome. It was the combination of intellectual conservatism (as espoused by Buckley) with the humor that Limbaugh b...
[quote]This is where people like you get it wrong. There is not a “no vax” crowd. It is a NO MANDATE crowd. Fix yourself.[/quote] This is where people like you get it wrong. It’s not about the vaccine. It’s about turning the bureaucratic state against the American people, which is what COVID ...
I have to say that DeSantis’s behavior is so strange for someone who is running a shadow campaign against Trump as was alleged repeatedly in here. Just bizarre for someone who secretly y wanted Trump prosecuted as was stated yesterday: ...
[quote]Did Mitch appoint them or was that the President? For a lawyer, you sure are a dumbfrick. What you posted was a lie and 100% false. Mitch has never been president[/quote] Who gives a frick. Someone gave a Trump a list. It was probably the Heritage Foundation. But it doesn’t matter. ...

re: Posobiec goes off on DeSantis

Posted by Ten Bears on 5/31/24 at 9:41 am
[quote]Good ole Trump zealots! Their lord gets convicted but they’d rather attack no threat governors within their own party lol. The democrats are laughing their asses of at you clowns[/quote] It’s amazing when you stop and think about. They bitch about Rs not being united - but THEY continu...

re: Posobiec goes off on DeSantis

Posted by Ten Bears on 5/31/24 at 9:28 am
[quote] Ron makes one mild comment about paying hush money over an "alleged affair" and Trumpworld goes ballistic over it. Soft.[/quote] Lmao…DeSantis didn’t even do that. DeSantis was talking about how wrong all of the lawfare against Trump is and happened to say, “I don’t know anything about p...
Equilibrium and Paradox Negotiation could be interesting. ...
[quote] Most people who get a micro discectomy don’t report pain post-surgery due to it being so minimally invasive. Sounds like your surgeon might have fricked up[/quote] Yep...I had a laminectomy and I felt so good after the surgery the DR actually told me I needed to rest more because I simpl...
[quote] Maybe a few percentage points worth of female voters have grown weary of[/quote] I'll add one more... They see their sons be treated as defective females in school. ...
[quote]Was talking to my brother the other day and most of my hometown have seen 100% increases in property taxes.[/quote] Good thing Florida has the Save our Homes provision in the Homestead act which prevents property taxes from increasing more than 3% per year. ...