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Registered on:9/20/2016
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[quote]unless there’s more to the story. [/quote] There's more to the story....
Who did they suggest Biden should've gotten last time for unity purposes? Oh? They didn't? Because only one party is supposed to seek unity. Only one party is supposed to "reach across the aisle."...

re: HBCU Graduation Canceled

Posted by Bjorn Cyborg on 5/13/24 at 11:03 am
Howard is the relatively rich private HBCU. It's like the fictional Hillman from the Cosby Show. We aren't talking about Southern here. ...
[quote]Google Ert confirms, plenty cars/trucks on blocks. I think this is where my childhood buddies grew up, went to Southwood when they were pretty good in football. Their parents still live in the same house and watched the hood bloom around them.[/quote] GM plant shut down out there. Lots of ...
[quote]If I was the guy, I would be swearing on a stack of bibles that I saw one of them with a gun and fired in self-defense. Late at night, prove I didn't see a gun. If you had half a brain you'd advocate that the kid's deadbeat guardians faced criminal charges instead.[/quote] And not only saw...
[quote]”Why is your stuff more important than a life?!?”[/quote] This question should always be turned around: "Why do you value my stuff more than your life?" ...
That's not what "all politics is local" means. It means that people vote for what affects them locally: Economy, crime, etc. Trump leading in polls does not contradict that. bullshite article is bullshite....
When is the last time any municipality or parish/county offered to solve a funding issue by CUTTING spending in other areas? Are we to believe that all public entities are operating at maximum efficiency with no waste?...
I assume everything is fake until proven otherwise....
[quote]We need a website featuring the morons who fall for prison chicks like her.[/quote] I think the women falling for the dudes in prison are even worse....
[quote]Daddy's conservative. Momma's is liberal. [/quote] I seriously don't know a single example of this. I don't know of any married couples where their politics are drastically different. ...
This might be the dumbest post in recruiting board history. And that’s saying something. ...
I’m lucky that my in-laws are great, but you should marry who you love. Their family should not be a factor. If you choose not to marry someone due to their family, you weren’t really in love to begin with, so it’s a good thing you didn’t marry. ...
[quote]We’ll see how the tune changes[/quote] What tune? You think people will regret not making a mediocre player the highest paid player on the team? I think most people agree that it’s pay to play, and LSU is participating in that. Where the disconnect seems to be is over valuations and...

re: Can Louisiana ever be fixed?

Posted by Bjorn Cyborg on 5/10/24 at 12:48 pm
Demographics is destiny ...
I think it has more to do with whether you are a threat to the establishment. I think RFK is seen as harmless, while Noem was potentially Trump's VP. And RFK is seen as harmless, because he WAS seen as a threat years ago, but has been neutered through years of a coordinated negative media blit...
[quote] Im no JBE fan, but he was a huge improvement over Jindal.[/quote] That's like arguing who is the tallest midget. They both sucked, but JBE was way worse. Jindal is probably the most disappointed I've ever been in a politician. He had an opportunity to do a lot for the state and failed....
[quote]The amount of money Bosley, etc. make is ridiculous. [/quote] The idea that companies have the power to withhold scientific breakthroughs is ridiculous. And Bosley has 450 employees and their annual revenue is $242 million. They are a small company. They aren't stopping shite....
[quote]I will recommend going for a hair transplant if you are ready to spend $4000 to $5000. In Turkey, hair transplants are very affordable. Last year I got a hair transplant in Turkey at Grace Touch Clinic and had amazing results. [/quote] First post, bumping an old hair transplant thread. ...