Favorite team:Bucknell
Location:Das Boot
Number of Posts:7819
Registered on:5/13/2015
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[quote]I could start speaking in tongues and scare the shite out of the kids[/quote] Or they'd perform an exorcism on you and when you started vomiting they'd think a different dark spirit was being purged. :yack:...
[quote]I think if I could have little bourbon before we start to sing our camp songs, I’d sing a lot better [/quote] If you have enough you might become Pentecostal with it. ...
[quote] They are crunchy [/quote] That is the correct answer unless paws are an option, then either is correct. [quote]How are you 2day? [/quote] I was horngry but I just ate so I solved half my problems. :lol: Probably just gonna slip out a little early and have a bourbon so I forget the other...
[quote]I put on deodorant [/quote] [img]https://media3.giphy.com/media/o10s57huYlpiE/200w.gif?cid=6c09b952qwqa7ee5s6x2scgc5ld8lbb9hxz99qmpy78fbnah&ep=v1_gifs_search&rid=200w.gif&ct=g[/img]...
GeRTie :cheers: Those cheetos the puffs or crunchy?...
Time difference can be a bit of a deal to workaround. Both on his end waking you up at all hours when he needs something, as well as on your end when you need approvals or to discuss something with him. Switzerland isn't that bad as the early morning will have plenty of opportunity for you to have d...
:lol: Had to double check, but I did wear pink today. :rotflmao: You can always sit with me QC, unless you smell like the barn...then we will just have to eat al fresco with you seated downwind. ...
Hey QC! [img]https://gifdb.com/images/high/funny-wiggity-wednesday-z60vevia991l8k93.gif[/img]...
Vampire shrimp tacos from prejean's with a side house salad with cajun honey mustard dressing. UIT x2 Afternoon all! :cheers:...
MPt, that brisket looks moist AF! IWEI :pimp:...
:lol: Is she obsessed with collecting everything. Like will die going back to collect a coin or ring or gem (whatever game it is)? My ex would use all her lives on a single level because she missed something. :dope: ...
Doing good u? Ahhh... I had your pt crossed up. Cute pups though!...
Clean...this is superior to the gummies imho. 1/2 - 1 tsp is enough to absolutely make me forget dumbasses exist. Though the fleur de leaf gummies are pretty damn good and fast acting. [img]https://alicecbd.com/cdn/shop/files/Enjoy_D9_Live_Rosin_Syrup_Chill-removebg-preview.png?v=1682536089[/img]...
Truth, though just an assumption, but I do automatically assume when I see them barely able to keep it in the lane and tailgating people for daring to be passing someone in the left lane and inhibiting them from doing 2 MPH more than the car they are tailgating. :rotflmao:...
[quote]Maybe he has a tiny penis and it makes him lash out[/quote] IDK what's worse the ones with anger issues or the ones driving trucks too big for them that only haul around a golf bag or couple bags of mulch. ...
GeRTie :cheers: What's up with your e-hubby, he was being vv unlinke himself in the anchored LT?!...
Helllooooo Nurse :daughter: Is the poboy place or the liquor place the one by creepy Dave's?...
[quote]wtf did grrrrrrrrrrl just say 2 me?[/quote] Skillz, I think it was a North Texas yo mamma joke, :dunno: ...
[quote]It’s so gorgeous[/quote] :cheers: [quote]kick arse school bus[/quote] Speaking of, I heard they cast Elizabeth Banks to be Ms Frizzle in the new movie. :pimp:...