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Location:Order of the Dragons
Biography:Patiently waiting for the return of KSG
Interests:Anything written by genius’ like MomentofTruth87 or Pioneerbasketball.
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Registered on:12/25/2013
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I like his style but I don’t understand his effort. Not everyone wants to look at the things you want to see. For instance, I can look at engines all day long and wish all sports cars came with clear hoods. But not everyone feels that way. ...
Kobe Bryant is a sick rapist. According to his accuser and her attorney. His story turned out fine. The truth is sometimes not as it seems. I am not “all in” on this kid. I am just saying that I don’t know the details, don’t know if he has a pattern of behaviors, and don’t know his heart...
[quote]I can jerk off while I am running to save time. [/quote] (Laughing emoji) Broham, I am glad someone caught that line. Tried to hide it. ...
I would not be able to jerk off more than 6 times in 24 hours so that has to be the 6. I am a runner so I may as well do the 24 miles. Should be done in 6 hours. I can jerk off while I am running to save time. Then it would just be my mood for the donuts and beer. 12 of one and 18 of the o...
The democrats will do whatever they want to do and there is nothing anyone can do to change it. The media won’t cover it. The republicans won’t vote against it. ...
[quote]Jennifer Love Hewitt[/quote] [quote]Agreed, but also, have you seen her lately?[/quote] Who cares? He was hitting it when it was prime. I don’t like him or his music but I respect his game. ...
It’s almost like she is the kind of person who has never been held accountable. I wonder why?...
[quote]We had a zoom with Dior Johnson today. Elite player. Also strangled a girl.[/quote] I have no idea what happened on that day where he was charged with domestic assault. But was it a pattern of behavior? Has he been in other trouble before? Has he been in trouble since? All important...
[quote]Once drove from Montgomery to Troy for a BJ from a hard 6, then left immediately. [/quote] Was her name A____? Was she a brunette? I used to drive to Troy from Auburn for her favors. Felt guilty everytime because I was not attracted to her at all. I did take her to sonic a few times f...
Wife vehicle #1 we drove for 11 years and 265,000 miles. Wife vehicle #2 we drove for 14 years and 244,000 miles. Both Honda. I drive mine no more than 20k miles and 1-2 years because I get bored easily. That’s why I always buy used from private sellers. (To limit my losses) ...
Rivers is only partially correct for one reason. (And he is still 99% wrong) The abundance of positions in the NFL. OL,DL,LB, RB,WR, etc. The NBA has a much more limited skill set. But 100% of NBA players would get their butt kicked in the NFL. They are all too soft. ...
[quote]You do know that once you hit troop level that the sexes are separated, right?[/quote] It does not matter what the curriculum states. I am talking about how events like campouts are coordinated. Because there are fewer girls - the administrative (volunteer) parents spend an inordinate ...
I feel bad for Texas fans. They have never been the recipients of favorable treatment. Always on the short end of benefits from TV and the conference. ...
They should put mom and dad in a basket and lower them into a croc pit and then (at the last minute) bring them back up. Do this over and over until you finally let a croc take a chunk out of an arm/leg then pull them up and let them recover. Then start the lowering process again. Repeat thi...
[quote]Why weren't those girls joining girl scouts?[/quote] Because those girls want to do outdoor activities and there are not any in Girl Scouts. Unfortunately, you cannot get mom’s to volunteer to go camping. They don’t want to be outside. Unless you have at least 2 mom’s at every camp...
If I was the dean, I would fire him immediately. Then I would record an A on everyone’s transcript for the semester. Then I would apologize to the students and the taxpayers for hiring an idiot. ...
I have been thinking 8-4 this whole time then…….. [img]https://media3.giphy.com/media/122FnzB2jyAI6Y/200w.gif?cid=6c09b9524fwt4neq87xq1wv67fcq3cg9lo3g55q0w5844obm&ep=v1_gifs_search&rid=200w.gif&ct=g[/img] [img]https://media4.giphy.com/media/PJLHNaEpmeqUU/200w.gif?cid=6c09b952w6ci2bmg2b3vr58x5k...
[quote]People all over social media claiming the woke WNBA is now racist because Clark's debut was televised but [b]Angel Reese's debut[/b] was not.[/quote] Why would I watch her? She going to catch a rebound flat footed and then pseudo-hop a layup? Someone post her best highlights. Yawn. ...
[quote]Fair to who[/quote] Anytime someone says the name “Bo” - we all only think of one man. The man. Maybe we should call the exQB “boe” to avoid confusion. ...
[quote]She’s not even attractive[/quote] I agree with this part of your assessment. Here is something better: [img]https://i.pinimg.com/236x/95/dc/3b/95dc3b77d6c060860cf89049578c09b5.jpg[/img]...