Favorite team:Arkansas 
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Registered on:2/10/2013
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re: Vince Flynn

Posted by Sus-Scrofa on 6/2/24 at 7:38 am
I stopped when Flynn died and the new guy took over. Not for any reason, so I have no idea if the quality dropped or not. ETA (because I can’t help myself): you can always read the origin story novel for all these type of characters: Without Remorse....
Why is this a big deal? It’s not your electric bill, it’s fast food. A company like McDonalds should charge whatever they can get away with charging. if corporate greed makes prices too high, people will stop going and the company will have to adjust or die. If it’s the governments fault (...

re: Pet Free Apartment Complex

Posted by Sus-Scrofa on 5/28/24 at 8:17 pm
On a side note, some apartments take “dna swabs” of your dog when you fill out the paperwork. In theory they could match shite to dog, but I’m pretty sure it’s just a scare tactic and they never go full CSI on anyone....
[quote]I'm pretty sure most of the payouts are planned and they can just look at the data from the machine. Gaming laws in most states are based around certain defined winning rates, so anything above that is void due to violating the law. This is how they always can get money back if they suspect s...
Probably not if I’m trying to, but if I’m trying to sleep my brain on it’s own can replay entire albums in my head at double speed....
[quote]I decided to enjoy this 58¢ cup of Ramen.[/quote] I know it’s less than a dollar, but 58 cents for a cup of ramen at home is ridiculous....
As with the size of the building, at some point you’re going to decide to get a good air compressor. Then you’re going to go shopping and you’ll find one and say “that one should be big enough for what I want it for.” Then you should buy one twice the size of the one you’re looking at....
From my limited experience, reel tilt situations are pretty obvious. Any security camera with a view of the machine should prove or disprove this....
Just finished it. I mean it wasn’t bad, but it wasn’t exactly good. For all the buildup, my review is “blah.”...
[quote]Do you mean big JVC/Bose headphones ? B/c you could just bring earbuds and they hardly take any space, or you could just literally wear them onto the flight .[/quote] I can’t imagine flying anymore without a pair of earbuds....
Hide it somewhere in their town, give a few vague, but moderately helpful clues. See how long it takes them to find it....
leftover smoked pork loin. Cold, sliced thin, bbq sauce, Tony’s....
Maybe the Walking Dead was actually set 20 years in our future....
I don’t watch the NBA. I wish I had a team to claim. I was in middle school and highschool in prime years for most of the Dream Team players. We all watched the NBA to watch those players. When they were all gone, I never picked a team to follow, and stopped watching....
Not sure it’s the wildest, but: I was visiting family out of state one winter and was stopped at a stoplight where a minor highway crossed with a more major highway. I was second in line behind a Jeep Cherokee. Light turned green and instantly I had the Jeep’s headlights in my eyes. I got ou...
[quote]Hive mind with women[/quote] Like the duck hunters who started insisting on wearing face paint?...
Haven’t read the whole thread, but: I’m pretty sure by now you’d have a good hunch if it was drugs. I figure either she’s getting ready to leave for good, or there are slot machines nearby and she’s hooked....
I’d try and argue for Arkansas, but the University went through a yellow brick square building stage that hasn’t been completely torn out yet....