Favorite team:Kentucky 
Number of Posts:30
Registered on:12/22/2012
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Losing seasons at Kentucky Cal-1 The rest of program history-1 Thanks cal ...

re: Dear Mr. Calipari.

Posted by Chill on 3/21/24 at 10:37 pm
[quote]What was Rome like when Septimius Severus was emperor?[/quote] it was pretty good. cal wasn’t Kentuckys coach, and we were winning titles....

Dear Mr. Calipari.

Posted by Chill on 3/21/24 at 9:35 pm
Fuk u cal you cumguzzling, shite for brains, wannabe Italian, drink about a gallon, of jizz, you fn fraud, got handed the gold standard and turned into the brown standard, you fn, sob, dvd, ged, l m n o p, fuk you, you one tourney win having, in the last 5 years arse, couldn’t coach you way out of bag...

re: Reed Shepperd is a bad man

Posted by Chill on 2/27/24 at 8:15 pm
Just like his dad...
[quote]0 If he goes, he goes. I don't think he will though. [/quote][img]https://i.imgflip.com/49fe93.jpg?a473352[/img]...

Hey you limp wristed lib fans…

Posted by Chill on 10/3/23 at 12:22 pm
Oops I meant Georgia fans, damn auto correct. oh well what’s the difference? Anyways, Here’s a lil preview of our game this sat.. [img]https://media.tenor.com/McGreq8Y60IAAAAC/scary-movie-scary-moviea.gif[/img]...
[quote]UGA leads series 62-12-2, and have won 13 straight - the longest winning streak in series history. -- Stoops is 0-10 vs UGA, soon to be 0-11. [/quote]Hey retard, nobody beats Kentucky 14 times in a row, except tenn, florida, and prob a few others, but that doesn’t matter, cuz trust me, y’al...

re: Seems like FSU may finally

Posted by Chill on 9/17/22 at 3:10 am
[quote]You lost to a basketball school last week lol[/quote]As if we wouldn’t absolutely bukakke ur arse lol...

re: If Vandy wins this weekend....

Posted by Chill on 9/6/22 at 5:48 pm
[quote]Vandy is gonna lose by 20[/quote]You shut your dirty whore mouth!...

re: Hey Georgia!

Posted by Chill on 10/12/21 at 3:46 pm
[quote]No Chill. This isn't going to age well[/quote]It’ll age better than UGA’s last natty. Poor guys middle aged with prostate issue now....
The only thing steaming in Oklahoma is cow shite, and the only thing rolling is people on the ground laughing are ur shitass football team....

Hey Georgia!

Posted by Chill on 10/10/21 at 9:37 pm
Frick you. You frickin liberal jizz rags think ur tuff? Well, get ready for CRod to shove his rod up your whole D’s assholes and fill em up like a bulldog sized twinkie. Basically, what I’m trying to say is, we are going to go between ur hedges with our cocks, and frick ur hole shite up. It’s going to ...

re: Kentucky #17 in new coaches poll

Posted by Chill on 9/23/18 at 12:13 pm
[quote]Yeah, this is starting to feel like 2007. Football is fun again.[/quote]Lets hope it doesn't feel like 2007 too long, because we turned a what should of been 10-3/11-2 season to 8-5 real quick after losing all our close games besides LSU. ...
[quote]UF by double digits[/quote] You missed the "U" in buy , because the only way UF has a chance this sat is if you actually pay off the refs and actually buy points, and even then i still like our chances. UF is Tebownd...
[quote]Crap, I'm crushed, I was hoping it would continue[/quote]If you want to know the meaning of crushed, tune in on sat at 7:30, I wouldn't be surprised if you had 33 superstrokes after witnessing that fappy pappy arse slappery....
[quote] [quote]6 posts[/quote]:dope:[/quote] 6 posts. 6-3=3, 3x10=30 which is the maximum times UK can be beat consecutively. Coincidence? i think not. UK is gonna jock strap jack slap UF back to 1987....
NOBODY has stepped foot on our feild and came out with a W and thats a FACT! We are undefeated on Kroger field, and thats not gonna change this sat. We are gonna slap the backer spit out of the gayturds poosay lips, and you can take that to your local wal-mart jean shorts dept....