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Registered on:8/25/2005
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[quote]its a floating moss bed, it has no solid land to anchor anything too.[/quote] It seems that if trees are growing on it it would have to be somewhat solid. Am I wrong?...
Coach O. It was 100% time for him to go but I'll always love him for 2019....
[quote]That’s how you write a true hero, regardless of sex. Nowadays we get Mary Sue’s who are invincible and not scared of shite which isn’t realistic.[/quote] Ripley’s maternal instinct kicked in. Good characters are ones based in truth. Take what makes the sexes different and interesting and ...
You ever heard the story of Jim Elliot? Missionaries have been putting themselves in harms way for centuries. It has nothing to do with cuckoo liberalism. A soldier dies in the line of duty and we celebrate the heroisms.A missionary dies advancing a message they believe helps the world and they are ...
Where do you see that this couple were leftisst? I know a ton of missionaries and none of them are of the left. Even if they were leftist rejoicing in their death is insanely cold to me....
[quote]I do not understand exactly why people do things like this. Is there not people here in the US that need the same sort of services these people are providing? Or is it like some sort of vacation to them?[/quote] I don’t know, maybe because the last words of their savior on this earth were ...

re: Bill Maher on The View

Posted by arktiger28 on 5/22/24 at 10:54 am
[quote]He really didn't have his facts together re Jan.6. MK repeatedly said "you're wrong", several times. He stuttered & rambled in reply each time.[/quote] The dude was still saying the "insurrectionists" murdered police that day. How can you still be under that assumption if you care anything...
Terrible take! Twister is better than it has any business being. Though the visuals were great you could listen to it like an audio book and you would still be entertained....
I had not heard of this until a couple of years ago. It's incredibly important for those of us who live in Red States, especially those in the Christian faith. The bible tells us we are to obey authorities but does not tell us which ones to obey. It is perfectly consistent to choose to obey those wh...

re: Survivor Season 46 thread

Posted by arktiger28 on 5/15/24 at 10:15 pm
Why even try to find idols if you are going to sit on them until you get voted out? I don’t get it. Is that 4 in a row?...

re: How does the MCU get back on track

Posted by arktiger28 on 5/15/24 at 10:12 pm
The drop off after End Game was inevitable. Their run was amazing but I knew it was the end of an era....
[link=(https://youtu.be/VF8TXhwff1M?si=jYaeaPEfO5jKkWRl)]What is Christian Nationalism?[/link]...
He also came out against the bill to fight antisemitism because it was a threat to free speech....
The super effective and good conservative governor throws his support behind the Republican nominee for president! That is so shocking! I figured he would go for Biden. How could anyone have seen this turn of events coming?!?! ...

re: Thoughts on The Fall Guy

Posted by arktiger28 on 5/9/24 at 9:56 pm
I don’t go to the theater very often anymore but my wife and I caught this tonight. It was a lot of fun. Worth a watch for sure....

re: 'Twisters' official trailer #2

Posted by arktiger28 on 5/9/24 at 1:21 pm
[quote] Just don't understand why they keep rebooting movies instead of making sequels.[/quote] I could be wrong but some things in the trailer make me think this is more sequel than reboot. I’m wondering if they are not building on the research that occurred in the original. Also, I couldn’t hel...
[u]Yikes. No need to go that far for a chicken. It’s not like her life was in danger.[/u] I used to agree. We had a butthole bantam rooster that I let live because it was really cool when it was young. Once it hit puberty it was an arse but it was too small to really hurt us. It would come at my s...

re: What was Kristi Noem thinking?

Posted by arktiger28 on 5/9/24 at 6:36 am
I get that it rural areas we sometimes do things a little different than in other areas. I’ve seen things handled in a way that would bother the sensibilities of others. But there is this thing we call Shoot, Shovel and shut-up. There is a reason for the last one and Noem is finding out the hard way...
Guys, I have some bad news. Trump is not just opposing the motion to vacate. Everything that Johnson has done that pisses you off was done with Trump's blessing. It's a hard truth but it is the truth. If you do not understand that then you are not living in reality....

re: 'Twisters' official trailer #2

Posted by arktiger28 on 5/8/24 at 5:17 pm
I would typically be very apprehensive about this and would not want this movie to be made because of how highly I regard the original. But for some reason I say, what the hell, I am in. Take my money. ...