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Location:Surprise, AZ
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Registered on:1/28/2011
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Going on I-10 west from San Antonio to El Paso is far worse. As is Fort Worth to El Paso....
The third book is significantly better than the previous two, but Dogman's crew, West, and Glokta will continue to be the standouts. The difference with the final book is Logan's group actually has a good story too. I find all his books after Before they were hanged to be excellent. If you don't...

re: Tonsillectomy as an adult

Posted by auyushu on 5/23/24 at 11:19 pm
Got mine out at 46 2+ years ago. It was painful but manageable. Ate a bunch of applesauce, instant mash potatoes. Swallowing will completely suck for a while. Make sure your ENT gives you quite a bit of the lidocaine lolly pops from a compounding pharmacy. Those were what made the biggest difference...
[quote]When can we get AJSS up here instead of Elder?[/quote] AJSS is getting rocked at AAA, he needs to stay there for the year and develop. Never should have been brought up to begin with last season. Waldrep would probably be the better play of those two, but I'd just roll with Elder or one...
[quote]Lol AJ coming in.[/quote] It's a amazing how Snit just does the same stupid shite over and over....
[quote]Bring Lee out for the 9th[/quote] Just knew that was coming when he put Minter in to close, particularly with Nimmo coming up with RISP. Minter shouldn't close ever....

re: Most Overrated Coen Bros Movie?

Posted by auyushu on 5/9/24 at 11:24 pm
[quote]not sure if it's overrated but I did not like The Ladykillers [/quote] It was pretty poorly rated, your opinion is pretty much the norm on that one. Of their decently well rated films, I'd consider Burn after Reading the most overrated....
[quote]I’d have to put McFadden in over both Mathieu and Henry[/quote] Yep. Cam, Tebow, and Burrow at the top in some order, then McFadden next followed by Manziel probably for me. Honey Badger at 5 is just dumb. So many better players since 2000. ...
[quote]I would be ecstatic if Bruce can make this happen.[/quote] Same. Would be a way better pickup than Godfrey IMO. He's got a really balanced game. He and Broome on the inside would be a hell of a shot blocking tandem....
[quote]Adds a little cause for concern on the remaining two spots.[/quote] Yeah, particularly at the PF position. If we don't have a decent PF along with Chaney we are going to have major issues at PF and a bunch more issues in general. We could probably survive with Denver and Pettiford gett...

re: Dune Series

Posted by auyushu on 5/2/24 at 9:16 pm
The first book is by far the best. God Emperor is by far my least favorite. I actually like 5 and 6 maybe second best. I definitely enjoyed them more on reread than 2 and 3....

re: Best Auburn players nicknames

Posted by auyushu on 5/2/24 at 12:45 pm
Bo Peep (James Joseph)...
[quote]Achor Achor from Samford hit the portal tonight. [/quote] That would be a really nice pickup, really liked his game watching them in the tournament....
[quote]2017 - SEC Championship (Uga)[/quote] Yeah, need to add this one along with our 1988 loss to LSU in the "earthquake game" to the list. We are playing Notre Dame for the championship if we beat LSU that year instead of letting them come back at the last minute. In 2006 we would have a ...
[quote]am getting way too giddy thinking about this possible roster. I am guessing we are ranked top ten and competing in the Maui.[/quote] As long as we can get another decent PF like Godfrey and get Miles, this seems a likely scenario. As long as we can get PF this is definitely a roster to get...
[quote]In basketball? Hell I dont even know what you are talking about in football either. Last year I literally had a ban bet our football team wouldn't hit [/quote] Nah, not in basketball, haven't seen you be negative towards basketball really. And then it's really more recently where it's b...
[quote]was probably jangs alter the way he keeps defending him[/quote] Jang is probably just worried that it will have a trickle down effect to him since he derails more threads than anyone on this board. Difference is Stidham and Scoper don't act like Auburn fans in any significant ways, they si...

re: Michael Crichton Books

Posted by auyushu on 4/27/24 at 5:08 pm
[quote]also thought Congo was great but I know some who hated it.[/quote] Honestly everything he put out from The Great Train Robbery through Rising Sun was very good IMO. He dropped off a bit after that outside of Timeline. I personally think The Great Train Robbery is his best book....
[quote]Do you know who Bronco's GM is? Smarter than Yahoo Sports..[/quote] The Broncos have been terrible since he's been GM, and he made the dumb as hell Russell Wilson trade and extension. All the evidence leans towards him being a dumbass, not a smart GM. That being said hopefully Bo does ...
[quote]Simply remove the students who are causing problems. Send them all to “reform” schools. Essentially prisons. If parents have a problem with it, they should raise their children better.[/quote] This would fix the issues as much as anything. And that type of threat would fix 80% of the...