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re: UEFI, Win11 and storage

Posted by Bestbank Tiger on 6/2/24 at 10:59 am
Are any of the programs you use Winblows only with no substitute? If you don't absolutely need Winblows, install Linux over it....
[quote]don’t get what you’re saying but the the lower dregs of society live not only north of campus, but also near tiger land like we already knew and now the last 5-10 years all up in those complexes on Ben Hur. It’s turning the area around LSU into shite[/quote] What does Plantation Trash look ...
[quote]Do any of you think it was all staged? Their lifejackets were found intact.[/quote] Unlikely - if they wanted to disappear, they could easily have avoided sending the distress note. They also had no way of knowing the boat would botch the head count....
Wait, why are they saying men instead of testicle owners? Cancel those bigots!!!...
Nothing wrong with that. The price point simply got too high for your tastes....
"Soy" types are never going to like combat sports. Might have picked up some fans who want to get their sports fix without Pride nonsense or empty sloganeering....
Amazing how incompetent Congress is. All hazards insurance, with a federal backstop for natural disasters, would fix it. Just use the same money we already spend after a disaster. Between wildfires, earthquakes, tornadoes, hurricanes, and floods, we have enough of the country at risk to get it pa...
[quote]ESPN2: Fever at Sun, May 14, 2.1 million ABC: Fever at Liberty, May 18, 1.71 million ESPN: Sun at Fever, May 20, 1.56 million Ion: Fever at Sparks, May 24, 724,000 CBS: Liberty at Lynx, May 25, 704,000 NBA TV: Fever at Aces, May 25, 333,000[/quote] How did Sky at Fever do yesterday? I...
[quote]Looney Tunes[/quote] [img]https://imgs.search.brave.com/1ubDooLPTV1JCUvXUfBvpMbiJkCbimFjhY4s6Zveb78/rs:fit:860:0:0/g:ce/aHR0cHM6Ly9mYXJt/OC5zdGF0aWNmbGlj/a3IuY29tLzcwNjAv/NjgyNDQ0NTkxNl84/MjBiMjI0ZjFjLmpw/Zw[/img] ...
I would get one when I first buy the house in case the inspector missed something major. After that runs out, no....
[quote]you really think they have adult volunteers working with children attend those trainings just for the priests' sake?[/quote] I had to submit to a background check just for volunteer work that might occasionally put me in the same room as a minor accompanied by a parent. They're serious ...
Then a lot of people would unwittingly marry a half sibling, and those states would turn into Alabama....
[quote]Yes, but it's because I have a company car. I also have to take a test if I'm in a no fault accident, just because I was behind the wheel.[/quote] We can thank Morris Bart for that....
I upvote myself if it's 27-3 or 2-28. I downvote myself if it's 28-2 or 3-27. I do the same for other people's posts....
[quote]more likely to smoke, drink alcohol or be living with obesity[/quote] [quote]avoid going to the doctor for fear of discrimination[/quote] Maybe they don't go because they don't want to be told to quit smoking, cut back on booze, and lose weight....
Whoever took it went over the hills and far away....
[quote]you imagine the people taking off during the mornings and coming back in at the end of the day... then put weather into the mix...[/quote] Five! Five dead doctors, ha ha ha!...
[quote]Okay chief. Democrats are also Republicans. Conservatives are liberal. Southerners all live in the north. Black people are white. Water is dry. The desert is wet. And anti-fascists are fascist. Have fun with that.[/quote] You probably think the Patriot Act is patrio...