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[quote]Ultimately the market will take care of this [/quote] :lol: The MARKET buys politics. They buy the board. The MARKET is the reason everything is unsustainably inflated, why we have mobsters in DC and why wars are never ending. The MARKET manipulates, gets on the same page where it coun...
The solution is actively trying to create one instead of printing Monopoly money and hoping you can control world economics through war, murder, slave labor and oppression. I don’t have the answer, but it’s not hard to see the wall we’re speeding towards and the parasite culture of lobbyists that do...

re: Is Travis a democrat too?

Posted by AUCom96 on 6/1/24 at 4:00 pm
[quote]She furnishes a real need to our people[/quote] Bitch, she's Debbie Gibson. GTFOOH with that trolling booollshit. She furnishes about the same "need to our people" as a Little Debbie's Christmas Cake. ...

re: Whitney Cummings- Biloxi

Posted by AUCom96 on 6/1/24 at 12:47 pm
[quote]Saw her at the comedy store a few years ago and she had no makeup on, a hoodie and a slick back ponytail… and she looked rough. [/quote] She's no model or anything, but she's got a personality that translates well to her face and eyes and it's a good overall effect. She's not 18 and stack...
[quote]Trump spent his life palling around with the same people[/quote] Do you have any personal values outside of “orange man bad”?...

re: Bill Kristol.......lolz

Posted by AUCom96 on 6/1/24 at 11:39 am
A DC bitch. Without that scum hole of a town, he’s absolutely nothing and he knows it. He’d sell whatever portion of his soul that might be left if it meant his invitation to the right parties and social events....
We have to start being honest. How many - even reps from deep red states - are REALLY conservatives? Reagan was many things, but a conservative certainly wasn't one of them. Trump IS NOT a conservative, but Trump IS a nationalist. Every name you listed were as much builders of the current global...
Merchan, USSC nomination if the zombie gets re-elected, daughter raises in the pecking order. Bragg governor or Senate nomination, both get “book deals” that sell few but make multi-millions....
You obviously have smoked much more than 7 grams....
[quote]Sick of him, the Clintons. Obama, Biden, and all of them. Are you not ready for leadership who believes in liberty and also isn’t a huge troll?[/quote] Mitt Romney? Paul Ryan? Marco Rubio? Nikki Haley? Keep believing in unicorns. Trump is the closest you’ll likely see in your lifetime, ...

re: Football Recruiting Thread

Posted by AUCom96 on 5/30/24 at 5:59 pm
[quote]Everybody wants to be a capitalist until somebody starts making money doing something you can't do.[/quote] Everyone also likes to pretend a college scholarship, food and board, pro-level weight training, coaching, free professional level promotion and national television exposure has no m...
[quote]who are moderate [/quote] Those votes blow with the wind or whatever some celebrity is pushing at the time. There is no winning people like that. They are why the nation has turned into a bunch of demented tribes making a bunch of affiliated new lobbyists richer by the day. ...
[quote]It will end the party[/quote] No it won't. Red state lobbyists will still get fat off republicans. Blue state lobbyists will still get fat off democrats. On any matter that threatens their globalist masters, both parties will drop any pretense of opposition and show themselves as the s...
They'll likely get one. I'm sure the intelligence agencies can create another one at any time and I wouldn't be surprised to see it happen soon. It's pretty much a bad TV show at this point, but who can hold this vermin accountable? ...

re: Update: Trump verdict is in...GUILTY

Posted by AUCom96 on 5/30/24 at 4:09 pm
This is proof that our "justice" system is just another weapon used by those wielding power. Every check and balance of this country has been corrupted and is owned wholly by an oligarchy. They aren't trying to hide it because they know there isn't a way to oppose them. ...
New stuff seems to be getting few and far between. Amazon is almost comical with all of the author names like "First Defier" and "Vowron Prime". The rest is about 8/10 female authors and the subject matter tends to seesaw between thinly veiled social commentary or video game jibber-jabber. A lot...
Desecrating a symbol of "pride" in alternative genital usage. We are one nutty country in spots. ...
A mix of Soylent green, Zardoz and The Terminator....
[quote]Liberties must be taken.[/quote] Why? I understand you can’t cover everything, but why completely change the nature of key characters or sacrifice the political nuance that drove the plot so you can shove in more CGI? To be fair, it was much closer to the story than many adaptations...