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Registered on:5/7/2019
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Check out UCLA Dynasty documentary. HBO did it but I never see it in their catalog. Here’s a brief snippet that focuses on Walton. [link=(https://youtu.be/_MBCgrsgZ2I?si=VQ4rx6qeWPAbyzvN)]LINK[/link]...
[quote]Is opening daycare an unalienable right? Of course not. Straw Man.[/quote] The right to associate is. Operating a business generally falls under this right, as well as the right to pursue happiness. ...
[quote]Second, rights are inalienable, and once someone has served their time and punishment, ALL rights should be restored. What other rights are you okay with taking away once someone’s sentence is done?[/quote] I don’t think someone convicted of molesting children should be allowed to open a d...
[link=(https://youtu.be/Ds1BHqCUJjs?si=uKgGz5IWqGPfcfoR)]And Man Created Dog[/link]...
I’ve been voting 3rd party for about 20 yrs....
I think highlighting the insanity of letting bio males compete in female sports is low hanging fruit. It’s tough for Dems to defend it, plus it riles suburban women up when they think of their daughters having to play against dudes. I’m not saying it’s the only thing to talk about, but it’s low h...
[quote]It's cultural[/quote] It’s actually genetic. Scandinavian ppl are hard-wired at a genetic level to be happy....

re: Kevin O’Leary spitting truth

Posted by TheDude854 on 3/20/24 at 2:00 pm
He better be careful; they’ll come after him next…...
[quote]He did not need to. The Capitol and areas around it are federal grounds as such Bowser had NO say and deployments of troops are the purview solely of the Executive Branch. So ole Nance was not in a position to approve or not approve.[/quote] It’s always good to set time restrictions when s...

re: Today's lesson: Inflation

Posted by TheDude854 on 3/19/24 at 2:07 pm
[quote]Do you think the value of a dollar should remain static over time?[/quote] I think the market should set the value of the dollar, not a bunch of unaccountable bankers....

re: Standalone Smart Watch for kids

Posted by TheDude854 on 3/19/24 at 2:05 pm
If you have an iPhone, look into Family Setup for Apple Watch....

re: Today's lesson: Inflation

Posted by TheDude854 on 3/19/24 at 2:02 pm
Teach them that the Fed’s target is 2% inflation. Maybe it’ll spark a discussion about why the Fed wants to diminish the dollar’s value in the first place....
[quote]Every legacy media outlet in this country is "private" in-name-only. They are essentially arms of the state, no different than Pravda or other state media in other countries.[/quote] We shouldn’t use legacy media or mainstream media when referring to these clowns. They’re state media....
I’m with you. Accept your fate, learn to live with it and even appreciate its tenacity, keep it out of the garden beds…...
[link=(https://youtu.be/9Nyfx1f7R7s?si=nrvq8kQRWnk7JMqc)]JFK YouTube[/link]...
Truly a modern day Churchill...
We shouldn’t call it mainstream media or even legacy media. We should call it state media. ...
[quote]I find it interesting that there is almost NO coverage of any of this in the media.[/quote] They haven’t gotten their marching orders from the Deep State yet bc the Deep State hasn’t decided what they’re going to do. They realize they’re in a bind....
The right to be left alone. All the other rights flow from this core right....