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Registered on:1/19/2013
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Yes. Lincoln loved him some big government just to add a little bit more; secession was mostly about preserving slavery. Lincoln deciding to go to war was about preserving the union. Of course it evolved after that, but that was the initial reason....
I'd like to report murder in progress....
Bonhoeffer laid it out perfectly. Stupidity is very contagious, so when you have large amounts of people in close quarters, it spreads like wildfire. Just look up his theory on stupid people. Eye opening stuff....

re: Bring Us Your Memes Thread

Posted by stuntman on 5/29/24 at 4:10 am

re: Bring Us Your Memes Thread

Posted by stuntman on 5/29/24 at 4:05 am
[quote]Right, because people are retarded... That doesn't mean we can't push for as much libertarianism as those retards can handle.[/quote] :lol: I'm gonna use that....
[quote]I would give my left testicle to have the homogenous population Milei has. What he’s doing in Argentina is nothing short of awesome. We’ve got some issues Milei doesn’t have.[/quote] He's had to deal w/ issues we don't have. It's his message of libertarianism, hell, anarchocapitalism, tha...
[quote]Trumps a BoomerCon who thinks he can make deals with everyone. It isn’t weird at all.[/quote] Why would he waste any time and money speaking there if libertarians weren't relevant? [quote]But libertarianism is retarded. The precursor for wokeism.[/quote] Have you been paying attentio...
Yet Trump is trying to pander to us. Weird, huh? How much more proof do you need that Republicans don't give a single frick about limited government? ...
And cheered. It was issue by issue as to what they cheered and booed about and the libertarians were all over it. They aren't clapping seals who just cheer when "their guy" says something like "whatzerberrgereing", or whatever the frick Biden mumbles....
"Barbra Walters announced she's retiring from The View. Well actually, she announced it 5 years ago, but nobody could hear her over those yammering bitches" - Norm Macdonald. ...
Fishing and most of my family and friends live there. Trying to convince them to come to the free state of Florida, but sadly, it's not going to happen....
right arm- fell out of a tree. (The birth of my nickname "stuntman") right fibula (also dislocated my ankle)- Basketball. Landing wrong on a guy's foot after trying to block a shot. Left collar bone- Running full speed, then tripping. Happened in '98. I didn't even know it was a broken coll...
[quote]Jesus Christ man. Was she hot or wasn’t she???[/quote] :lol: :bow:...

re: It's the carbs bruh

Posted by stuntman on 5/12/24 at 9:55 pm
Thanks for the great reply, Stringed. Would be nice to take a victory lap, but I know there are people better educated on this in here than I am. Just putting my views out there to see how they hold up against the criticisms it would get. Being wrong about things sucks initially, but I don't ...

re: Bring Us Your Memes Thread

Posted by stuntman on 5/12/24 at 9:30 pm

re: It's the carbs bruh

Posted by stuntman on 5/12/24 at 9:03 pm
Fair enough, but I still don't understand the reasoning. Ok, back to my example. Would one maintain/lose weight if eating 2k calories of twinkies a day? What about 2k calories of beef a day?...

re: It's the carbs bruh

Posted by stuntman on 5/12/24 at 6:18 pm
I agree with this. 2000 calories worth of Twinkies has a lot different impact on a human body than 2,000 calories of ribeye steak. I know LSU 777 will probably disagree, and that guy is smart as s*** about human physiology, but I just disagree him with him on the calorie in calorie out thing....