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Location:Lumon Industries
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Registered on:12/14/2012
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re: Bill Kristol.......lolz

Posted by wareaglepete on 6/1/24 at 12:55 pm
He’s an enormous count....

re: They are pushing for Nikki

Posted by wareaglepete on 6/1/24 at 12:52 pm
[quote]If he gets in with Haley as his VP they'll likely try to take him out so she can be Pres.[/quote] They didn’t try that with Pence Oh, wait...
Democrats Smokey back room [img]https://y.yarn.co/86f6978f-6fe4-4d0e-aeb8-9feb18cb089a_text.gif[/img]...
[quote]I cut my own hair. It comes out however it comes out.[/quote] [img]https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEim6WKg96g9qperGLE5ndAmcHQ7q_3v13cZWfipvIbbwQR0Fe_aF2lCjAl2V1e3gnwC2LGzHw3ho5E1Z8u3QtoXDlfRcu6_aYvKp6iknaeNbGSrg8-GHNE9dbjLolZ9akzNF6nS_A/s400/haircut_09.jpg[/img]...
[quote]Winter blends, which are less expensive due blended to with higher vapor pressure, are not until November[/quote] Oh, that’s bad news for old Joe then....
Shouldn’t you be out at a parade today or something?...

re: They are pushing for Nikki

Posted by wareaglepete on 6/1/24 at 12:31 pm
Who the frick thinks putting in a book that you killed your dog is a good idea? I still can’t get over that....

re: They are pushing for Nikki

Posted by wareaglepete on 6/1/24 at 12:25 pm
Kennedy also got killed because he picked LBJ. So, there’s that. Nikki? [img]https://i.makeagif.com/media/9-17-2016/-6EXOk.gif[/img]...
This whole thing was just another case of: arrest/indict on something, then we’ll find a crime. ...

re: This Is Spinal Tap.

Posted by wareaglepete on 6/1/24 at 10:27 am
[quote]The band formerly known as The New Originals.[/quote] They’re currently residing in the where are they now file....
Boeing spacecraft? What could go wrong?...
[quote]I don't believe so[/quote] My dad served, but he is deceased....
I don’t doubt there are campaign regulations. Does this make them immune from all other laws?...
If President Trump goes to jail, he’ll officially be the blackest President ever. - Has three baby mommas - Constantly in legal trouble - The man is always after him - Convicted of a crime….paying off a stripper/whore/porn actress - Jail time would seal it He makes Obama look like Bryant G...
Guilty! And, [img]https://i.imgflip.com/8sfxvr.jpg[/img]...
[quote]if you loan somebody 20 bucks and never see them again, you got a good deal"- my Dad.[/quote] This. If someone asks me, which has not happened very often at all, if I do, it won’t be a large amount and I won’t associate with them any more. I will tell them I’m giving it and they don’t wa...
You have to find the right doctor. I fought the pain and doctors for about ten years before getting the right guy. Doc just looked at the MRI and said this is what we do. He fixed my back. No more pain meds and a big F U to a couple of docs that basically wanted to label me a drug addict rat...
I like the guy but outside of the vaccine issue, his views and policy are awful....
Gas will naturally go down in Sept when summer gas goes away. Then they will say, look what Joe did....