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Location:Atlanta, GA
Number of Posts:1097
Registered on:12/10/2012
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Poll may be correct or incorrect. Seems likely that it will cost him some votes; OTOH, it may lockdown others. Who knows it it's a net positive or not. I would be wary of getting stuck in your own echo chamber. I had convinced myself that Romney was about to wipe the floor with Obama in '16. ...
Might as well just go with Hillary. So, yeah, but NO!...

re: 1st 3 game times announce

Posted by Broadside Bob on 5/31/24 at 11:41 am
[quote]I know I've said it before, but I hate playing dress up for games. One or two games a year, okay. EVERY DAMN GAME, give me a break. We don't need a theme.[/quote] Under Armour looking to sell as much fan apparel as possible while the gettins' good....

re: Brian Battie

Posted by Broadside Bob on 5/24/24 at 9:35 pm
[quote]perp is claiming self-defense[/quote] I wasn't there and do not pretend to know what happened, but if, for example, there's jawing going on, possibly back in forth, and the Battie brothers confront him, which parties were acting in self-defense could get really murky. Again, nothing goo...

re: Brian Battie

Posted by Broadside Bob on 5/23/24 at 8:09 pm
[quote]While I completely agree, not being out at 3:30 am with a gun isn't a very high standard. In my life, my friends and I have done that zero times.[/quote] Seems like it would be easier than say, maintaining a "C" average....

re: Brian Battie

Posted by Broadside Bob on 5/23/24 at 1:03 pm
[quote] I don't know Florida laws, but assuming they we're registered it sounds like all they did was attempt to defend themselves.[/quote] Maybe, and the #1 rule for going to a gunfight is BRING A GUN. However, the most important rule is DON'T GO! As was pointed out earlier, nothing good ha...

Bill Maher on The View

Posted by Broadside Bob on 5/22/24 at 5:02 am
So I don't watch the show, but saw this clip on FoxNews.com https://www.foxnews.com/media/behar-admits-holds-back-criticism-biden-maher-tells-you-lose-credibility [i]"I’m nervous about saying anything against Biden, because I feel as though - [b]not that I have so much power, and you have some...
[quote]Transgender high school runner Aayden Gallagher received a [b]just[/b] response to finishing first in an Oregon race....[/quote] Fixed it....
Pay into it for 40 years and see how you feel then....
[quote]I haven't seen any surveys but it feels like most men don't support this. So it looks like it's mostly women who support the destruction of women's sports.[/quote] Since this BS started happening, I've felt like women, as a group, are more passively tolerant of competing against dudes t...
If we're sending these SJW, hipsters, Karens, etc. we're seeing on the news off to war, a lot. Against our armed forces, none. That's not say that we're headed in a good direction....
[quote]They were met with...thrown bottles, rocks...[/quote] OK, protest is protest, but when it rises to the level of assault, is it not (past) time to call in the police, national guard, whatever, and SHUT IT DOWN....
[quote]Just get rid of men's and women's sports at this point.[/quote] The whole question of should dudes be able to play in girls'/women's' sports is a red herring anyway. With few exceptions (gymnastics, cheerleading), there's nothing that could be construed as "gender affirming" about competi...
Unfortunately, we're going to need more of this to end the lunacy. Probably a lot more. Until the women and girls are willing to stand up for themselves and refuse to compete against dudes, the BS will continue. I really hate it for you ladies, but good job....
So I guess you can sell crappy views of the game if you throw in some big screen TVs and alcohol. Might be interesting as a novelty once or twice, but not if you actually want to watch the game (other than on a TV or the video board), I'd stick to the stands....
[quote]DeSantis was never going to be in the White House and never will be in the White House.[/quote] At some point, because he's either served two terms or is not running, presumably in 2028, you're going to have to move past DJT. Who you got, MTG?...
[quote]quote: So you don’t mind the 15 million illegals crossing the border who are not being vetted? My vote isnt going to change immigration. Hint: yours isnt either.[/quote] I guess we should all just surrender to China then?...
Isn't "she" a he? I'm not calling him a "her."...