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re: What would you buy used vs new?

Posted by Slippy on 5/28/24 at 12:11 pm
I buy almost all of my clothes at Goodwill....
It mentions Mosca’s a couple of times. No Moe’s. ...
Well technically you can walk across the Crescent City Connection, keep walking and end up in the Atlantic Ocean. You’d have to traverse Florida, but you’ll eventually get there. CCC runs due East to the westbank. Everybody knows that. ...
[quote]Thank you for this. [/quote] You’re welcome. If I were you, I would read Bienville’s Dilemma first. It will provide a lot of context. ...
[quote]Is this supposed to be Richard Campanella?[/quote] Yeah my bad. Joe Campanella was a catcher for the Yankees, or an actor or some shite. ...
Before somebody says “book board,” I have a wider comment. Richard Campanella is a geography professor at Tulane who has become THE authoritative geographical historian of New Orleans. I have read 3 or 4 of his books. I just read “The West Bank of Greater New Orleans.” It is a compelling read. ...
Is it genetic? Rampant inbreeding can pay a big price after a few hundred years. Is it due to generations of jealousy toward more advanced civilizations? Is it because their women are average looking? Most invading tribes probably passed on raping and pillaging. I really would love to ...
[quote]Or maybe they made it easier for the companies to deny otherwise legitimate claims and screw their customers over[/quote] Come on, G. You don’t really believe your own propaganda....
I know that sometimes they change stuff around at the last minute, so here’s hoping. ...
Just spitballing here. F these refs. F the SEC....

re: WTF is Neal in now??

Posted by Slippy on 5/25/24 at 4:05 pm
Because Jay pinch ran for Milazzo. Short sighted. ...
[quote]Inside every old person is a young person going "WTF happened."[/quote] I’m 58. I remember turning 50 and thinking it was no big deal, that I was still pretty young and had miles and miles to go. The last 8 years might as well be dog years. Suddenly I am old. I look at the people I wor...

re: Softball

Posted by Slippy on 5/24/24 at 10:47 pm
Run rule this thing....
[quote]But keeping on taking those glorious dumps or whatever hobby you have created for yourself[/quote] Dumps are not my hobby. But it is quality time. ...
[quote]Maybe your relationship with your wife/ significant other any other is different. Maybe you enjoy things that I don’t. Who give a rat’s arse what you, or I think.[/quote] Dude. Serious hypothetical. What if your wife goes though menopause in a year or two and loses all interest in sex? ...
Hang on, trying to remember what sex feels like....
I was just trying to figure out what they’re made out of. This was totally unexpected. [quote]The graham cracker was inspired by the preaching of Sylvester Graham, who was part of the 19th-century temperance movement. He believed that minimizing pleasure and stimulation of all kinds, including t...
[quote]Don’t disagree, but the thread is about spending money and LSU just isn’t on the aTm level when it comes to possible private donor sources[/quote] This is true. Which makes it even more remarkable that idiots on this forum whine about LSU getting a new arena, paid for with private funds. ...
[quote] The origin of the term is the 1938 British thriller play Gas Light by Patrick Hamilton, which provided the source material for the 1940 British film, Gaslight. The film was then remade in 1944 in America – also as Gaslight – and it is this film which has since become the primary reference p...

re: Snake came out of Gulf in Destin

Posted by Slippy on 5/16/24 at 12:31 pm
[quote]62 years old.[/quote] Who in the hell is downvoting this? If my woman looked that good at 52, or hell, 42, I would never leave home....