Favorite team:Alabama 
Location:Shitlingthorpe, UK
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Interests:Collect polo balls
Occupation:Grease wheel bearings on donkey carts (wooden only)
Number of Posts:3379
Registered on:7/8/2009
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[quote] I used to get free candy from the old TAMU coach.[/quote] And then ? [img]https://media.istockphoto.com/id/94400025/photo/crazy-old-man-flashing.jpg?s=612x612&w=0&k=20&c=WPvds5rWMV9A9G4JnTx2-va7YDANDxhKOx_jJt5QEFQ=[/img]...
Really weary of the accusation if you don't like Trump , you're automatically a liberal & support Biden. I don't like or in good conscience can support either choice we're given. This is coming from a conservative , mainly Republican voting person in the past. [img]https://m.media-amazon.com...

re: A whole lot of sad here

Posted by BamaRoo on 5/28/24 at 3:42 pm
[quote]I've been scrolling for a while how much further until I get to Tenner [/quote] Here's a clue. [img]https://myquest.blog/wp-content/uploads/2019/12/steve-sack-minneapolis-star-tribune.jpg[/img] ...
[quote]a caw hater[/quote] Just because you're an idiot doesn't mean I hate you. Au contraire , sending condolences. ...
[quote]The caw is an idiot.[/quote] [img]https://media1.giphy.com/media/5xaOcLDE64VMF4LqqrK/200.gif[/img]...
According to Mormons , Missouri is the home of the Garden of Eden , in or around Independence ---- and when Adam and Eve cracked down on the forbidden fruit , they had to move to Adam-ondi-Ahman , about 70-miles north of Independence., where they raised their children. So if that's correct , M...
[quote]REC also told them we’d do Horns Down any time we felt like. SEC office said yes sir[/quote] And thus , open season on Horns Down and we may tell the SEC to outlaw Hook'm Horns. So Texas can just shut the frick up. [img]https://media.tenor.com/DDRPiMKMRmAAAAAM/devil-horns.gif[/img]...

re: Is Brian Kelly retarded?

Posted by BamaRoo on 5/7/24 at 7:32 pm
[quote]We are not in the market of buying players .... if you're just looking to get paid , you're in the wrong place.[/quote] That's admirable but he won't find any top recruits not looking to get paid. [img]https://y.yarn.co/6bcfb46c-7236-4138-b694-86f5721a6a0e_text.gif[/img]...
[quote]Don’t forget that Jerry Jones is the owner of a tiny little venue and is an Arkansas alum (and he will remind you he played football there). I can see DFW becoming the new ATL…[/quote] LOL ! Because 81-year-old Jerry Jones sez so ? [img]https://media.tenor.com/rqLUeiNEJ78AAAAM/jerry-jones...
[b] whoa ![/b] [img]https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQggNfbg4uxO3hyYZIWcXImUzlFWmrcQR3SN15PUQGt-e6dBinXpnGF-An2j7RsiDvTxug&usqp=CAU[/img][img]https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GMiK3VzWsAA9uRk?format=jpg&name=small[/img]...
[quote]I see no distinguishing features to make it worth 4M[/quote] Soon as word gets out , Kentucky goobers will be flashing the cash just to sit on the same toilet seat where Cal took his dumps. [img]https://ap.rdcpix.com/a1b790228c8d607998adca5c384d5b5dl-m988696716rd-w1280_h960.webp[/img] ...
[quote][b]DirtyCreekBottoms[/b][/quote] Well , at least thanks for playing the set up guy and providing a lot of laughs. ...

re: Missouri ain't come to play school

Posted by BamaRoo on 4/30/24 at 9:42 pm
[quote]This is a cross country girl for Bama. She will sign an autograph for 2269.00.[/quote] What the hell is this , someone I've never heard of , transferred to Alabama from Tennessee but still appearing in Tennessee gear while peddling her services and has her location as Knoxville ? Truly...
[quote]Grant NelsonHe was fun to watch last year. Really like his game.[/quote] Yeah , partisanship aside , enjoyed watching him play. Didn't think he'd be back but another good season with improvement should elevate him in the draft. [img]https://i3.wp.com/c74uzjeiboch.wpcdn.shift8cdn.com/wp-c...

re: SEC order of finish

Posted by BamaRoo on 4/27/24 at 10:53 am
[quote]Tu is Tulsa. No Sooner fan refers to uterus as Tu or Ut. Not derisive enough[/quote] How about TUCA , Texas University Central Austin to separate from the original and only deserving UT in the SEC , Tennessee. [img]https://i.pinimg.com/736x/2d/c3/ee/2dc3ee70e058bac261725cf82d71a97a.jpg[/im...

re: Interesting Nick Saban comparison

Posted by BamaRoo on 4/26/24 at 10:21 pm
That is literally unbelievable. May the GOAT enjoy his retirement from the sideline and a long life. [img]https://tshirtbandit.com/products/overlays/33188976.png[/img]...
[quote]Kentucky’s 15th SEC ranked and 69th nationally ranked recruiting class[/quote] [img]https://i.gifer.com/origin/1d/1d9bcd6a5f296db8c60fb00c6b3fd6c7_w200.webp[/img]...
[quote]we are much hated[/quote] I don't think you're hated , just kind of creepy. If you had followed up with consecutive good to great seasons , ;you would be hated. Openly hated and secretly respected is the way it rolls in the SEC .... or at least on the Rant....

re: Embarrassing Leggette phone call

Posted by BamaRoo on 4/26/24 at 12:35 pm
[quote]Did you never listen to any of his interviews when he was playing?[/quote] I'm trying to imagine the press quoting Leggette : "ya mamianna man annumamyo ripoomopomo man jes lomannannalo man. [img]https://media1.giphy.com/media/2Wz0CVc9MnyDtt1gmM/200w.gif?cid=6c09b952hbi16j0ux2719p2vss5g2m...