Favorite team:LSU 
Location:Brentwood, TN
Occupation:LARPer on gun forums
Number of Posts:1493
Registered on:9/15/2023
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He literally had one of our few hits yesterday that didn’t go over the wall. He was one of our best hitters this year. Holman had two mistakes that cost us 4 runs. Travinski and Tanks killed innings today…I don’t even want to know how many runners we left on base today. Everyone contributed to this ...
Yea I was being sarcastic ...
I don’t know who that is and don’t really see what it has to do with the players on the field but I guess you are right. I’ll just pull for Tennessee or A&M if we don’t make it. ...
Unfortunately they aren’t that unlikeable either. If they knock us out, which I don’t think they will, then I’ll be pulling for them the rest of the way. ...
He showed up for the Free Beers at He’s not here...
21K in 0 IP. Moffitt just keeps on dominating!...
When you rack up 20 K in 0 IP you are doing something right. Love this move by CJJ here...
We literally have no right handed bats to PH travinski against a lefty. ...
Who is the dude that stood out in the rain yesterday until we won? He needs to go back out in the rain asap! ...
Remember when Larson hit that ball on top of that building at Mizzou??? I would really like that to happen again right now!...
I blame the usual posters of rally boobs for dropping the ball there…bigly...
Last time Tanks faced a bullpen arm from an ACC team in a scoreless game it worked out well for us. ...
Where the frick are the rally boobs???...
Letting this guy pitch to tanks a third time seems like coaching malpractice ...
Someone there needs to go tell this pickle smoocher that keeps screaming to shut his fricking mouth ...