Favorite team:LSU 
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Registered on:4/29/2023
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Then you have nothing to worry about right? The election is in the bag. ...
Why would he worry? Trump has no chance to win right?...
Wait till November 5. If dad wins the country might burn to the ground. We will have to test the limits of the leftist war cry, “that’s what insurance is for!” Although, we probably won’t get the final results till several weeks after when the millions of mail in ballot dumps come in, lol. ...
He may as well own it. It would be something to have him elected while he is in jail. Liberal heads would explode. “We used all our dirty tricks and he still became president.”...
Can you imagine the melt if Trump wins? It’s going to be something. ...
Not our country, not our business. ...
I honestly don’t want us to go down this road. In 5-10 years Trump will be gone. Biden is already gone mentally. We will have to deal with the aftermath of this lawfare. Democrats never consider the consequences of their actions. Everything is based on emotions. I am thinking of the Obamacare disast...
Have you contacted your local State Police? Maybe try stalecracker?[img]https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0553/9892/4497/files/Stalekracker_9304.webp?v=1668319191[/img]...
[quote]Milam and Larson look to take the next step, so they will be fixtures going forward.[/quote]In my opinion Milam has already taken the next step. He doesn’t play like a freshman for the most part. Of course as soon as I say that he will probably make a freshman mistake, lol. ...
We have to get a solid defensive catcher. We need a wall behind the plate. Of course it’s nice if they could hit at least around .275, lol but the passed balls are killing us. ...
But you said nobody cares about college baseball? Lol, [img]https://external-preview.redd.it/lsu-baseball-updates-the-intimidator-v0-6dWTaCSMVNUgt1WdMSvuYViO4ZStuH1jrbLjWxOJlus.jpg?auto=webp&s=d8925eb2e083b6e0e90b5b2546402cf730f944fa[/img]Soak it in, lol. Since you will never experience it in either...
[quote]How everyone feels about college baseball[/quote]Yet you are on an LSU message board talking shite to the the 7 time National Champions in baseball? Lol, GTFOH punk. ...
And football? Lol, How many teams have 3 national championships with 3 different coaches in the last 20 years? Lol...
I don’t like basketball. I do not care, lol. ...
The 2 major sports at LSU are football and baseball. LSU has 3 recent football National Championships with 3 different coaches. Old Mack Brown could barely go .500 at UNC, lol. ...
[img]https://townsquare.media/site/149/files/2024/01/attachment-415447125_753183903511566_700026657868768343_n.jpg?w=2048&q=75[/img][quote]Baseball is like a #5 sport for UNC - and you can’t beat us. Ever. That has to sting for a LSU baseball fan.[/quote]Hahaha, this doesn’t work. We hear this shite ...
Yes, we all have to stay focused. One pitch at a time, lol. ...
We need to somehow stumble into Monday. I don’t know if we will, it’s definitely possible. ...

re: Pitching for tomorrow?

Posted by Sofaking2 on 6/1/24 at 8:40 pm
It’s gotta be Ack. I don’t see anyone else? ...