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Registered on:9/26/2022
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Sheeeiiiit, crazy plane lady Tiffany Gomas popping up again looking like a completely different woman, but those ta-tas gives her away. Dr. Denim never forgets, and I'm glad she got that mini mufin-top back, I thought she was gettin' a little stranggy. [img]https://media.giphy.com/media/v1.Y2lkP...
Great job!, I'm jelly, but really ...GREAT JOB! I haven't lost any weight, but I'm going to get a pizza and some ice cream to celebrate with you....
He does an extreme form of intermittent fasting wherein he eats all of his week's worth of calories inside a 12 hour window, so he just jams in a bunch of highly palatable, calorie dense food in a short period of time and then doesn't eat for 156 straight hours. And good genes, he has good genes...
[quote]frick that kid….will prob be an unwed mother of twins in 7 years. [/quote] Unfortunately...
I think it's sucky that Orenthal Jimmy cut her head off, but I never found Nicole Brown to be a very pretty lady. Not worthy of a beheading, but she's not great to look at....
He wrote that book, "Double Infinity"...

re: Baylor got new Football uniforms

Posted by DrDenim on 5/28/24 at 8:59 pm
You guys talkin' bout outfits again?...
I've dealt with this a few times from black children of this age, they aren't dumb, they know they can act like that and a white dude isn't gonna do shite to them. They're fully taking advantage of the moment, you just have to keep your cool and not ruin your life by getting pulled down by that shite....
Florida doesn't need Disney, they've been enjoying an unfair advantage due to corporate sponsorship for decades, ever since they invented a way to make electrolytes delicious and vibrantly colored back in the 60's. [embed]https://youtu.be/kTqV5fcMaYA?si=8eOeNh95FD9mhXCV[/embed] ...
I have no idea what was going on, but that was hilarious, I enjoy rage so much. :lol: :dude:...
I am fully in support of all of this. It's just part of the "Slippery Slope" and I enjoy those things. The sooner I can go to "Starbucks" and get a "latte" the better. If you've seen Idiocracy, you know what I mean. George Carlin said it best, "How can it be illegal to sell something that is p...

re: Himalayan Shilajit

Posted by DrDenim on 5/28/24 at 6:38 pm
"Shila-Jit! Shila-Jit 2 Quit!....Shila-Jit! Shila-Jit 2 Quit!" [img]https://media.giphy.com/media/yzR0pci37cy9q/giphy.gif?cid=790b7611xcj1ks2cs009l7ssjoftkl3c266c4a702y8h5lmx&ep=v1_gifs_search&rid=giphy.gif&ct=g[/img]...

re: Murph

Posted by DrDenim on 5/28/24 at 6:21 pm
That's a good amount of pushups for 61 year old shoulders. I hope to still be hanging in there doing presses and pushups when I get there....

re: Murph

Posted by DrDenim on 5/28/24 at 12:45 pm
"attaboy", Atttaboy Am I reading this right? You did an extra 100 pushups?...
[b][u]W2D1 - Press[/u] [/b] [u]Warmup[/u]: KB swings, banded face pulls and pull-a-parts Press: 45lb x 5 x 2, 95lb x 5 x 2 [u]Work Sets:[/u] 140lb x 5 160lb x 5 [b]185lb x 10(AMRAP)[/b] [u]Notes:[/u] This is week #2 of 5/3/1 and week #2 of my 12 week cut. I did fine with the first week'...
Thank god they didn't card me when I bought those vitamins cuz they would've taken them away from me, I'm only 45. I just want those extra potent old man vitamins! That's how you get old man strength. :dude:...
That's always been my concern. Currently I just take Equate brand "mens 60+" multivitamin. If it works...great, if not, I'm not wasting much money. It's the store brand of Centrum Silver. It seems most recs from nutrition coaches is to keep it simple with the once daily MVs, so that's what I'm doing...

re: 11 yo son started lifting in gym.

Posted by DrDenim on 5/26/24 at 7:24 pm
I never power cleaned until college. Being from not only Oklahoma, but from a town in Oklahoma that has never ever ever ever been a football powerhouse in any way. I have to admit I was susceptible to what I call the "Texas Football Superiority Complex" when I left high school and went to play foo...
Those kinds of fasts can work, I recently did a 48 hour fast, but for completely different reasons. Based on what you're telling us, I don't think a fast would be the best strategy for you. Like I said, I bet you're being honest and you are probably right about your intake and you're at least in...

re: Wilson.com

Posted by DrDenim on 5/26/24 at 4:45 pm
I've always like Wilson. Always preferred their gloves when I played baseball. I did go to their website just to see if it's a nightmare for me as well. Well...first off, I'm using my home PC. I don't like to use a smartphone for most things outside of texting and listening to podcasts while I w...