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Location:Flux Capacitor, Fluxing
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Registered on:11/5/2007
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[quote][quote] knee bending to gays[/quote] What does this even mean? [/quote] [quote]dp'd cuckold [/quote]...
Once SFP gets off the Bidet, he's gonna refute this. Prolly break a nail, too....
[quote]It's the end of everything.[/quote] Pretty much the beginning of it. [img]https://media4.giphy.com/media/11LS2rTHLTbRMk/giphy.gif?cid=6c09b9529p3z4wmwzil05eck86kwxyabwfgdm8nca3xbpa4m&ep=v1_internal_gif_by_id&rid=giphy.gif&ct=g[/img] Alphabet soldiers? Military intelligence makes ju...

re: Let’s assume the jury got it right.

Posted by 19 on 5/31/24 at 2:42 pm
Not run for President. frick these assholes. May they all burn in Hades. [img]https://y.yarn.co/a970d3c4-8a48-4755-ab8a-b2a9848bb652_text.gif[/img] ...
No MAGA is changing his vote. This just gives a weaksauce reason for another steal. frick this shite. Sick of it....

re: Honestly, I have not been a fan of Trump

Posted by 19 on 5/30/24 at 8:19 pm
Sorry, they/them, but they just gave Donald the Oval Office. [quote]Much like the bystander said to George Floyd[/quote] "You keep sayin, 'I caint belee dis!'...well believe it, motherfricker."...
You mean, "shite on me, go ahead." Cuz you like it. Alot. Fecal Freak....
[quote]Grimley[/quote] [img]https://66.media.tumblr.com/67b0be4b411839a7cfeff4443b738844/f760d4da163a9550-ee/s500x750/89040a9f6a32c1b2c1d6d89f4388c1dd8527bad2.gif[/img]...
[quote] dude was as much a puppet as the others. you people need to recognize propaganda.[/quote] I was in high school for Reagan's last term, and remember his first very well. Ronnie swung the biggest dick the cold-war world stage had ever seen. Now go clean your fricking room, retard....
I wouldn't even offer him a blindfold or a smoke. Just a mask after I've wiped my shitty arse with it....
Dreyfus taught me the phrase "Constitutionalist," and that was when Big Dick Mike's tranny wife was in the white house....
Of course they gotta find 50 yr old dirt on one of the top two most based men to ever stick their dick up Hollywood's arse....

re: Bring Us Your Memes Thread

Posted by 19 on 5/26/24 at 12:56 pm
Why does Biden have to sit for a debate? [img]https://i.ibb.co/F3W9TFW/Picsart-24-05-26-12-54-11-943.png[/img]...
Drafting real soldiers is the only way to have them. Admiral Trans's military is a bunch of fricking poofs....
Puty only bombed Ace Hardware because he already took out all of Zally's Discount frick-Me Pumps For Less outlets....
Yeah, cuz they're all "libertarians." You sound scared, also....

re: Bravo John Fetterman

Posted by 19 on 5/25/24 at 12:25 pm
I've talked much shite about him, but this was good work here....