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Location:Already Conquered USA.
Biography:Profession of Arms
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Number of Posts:48582
Registered on:10/2/2007
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[quote]They won.[/quote] And to be truthful, it wasn't really much of a fight. My side pretty much rolled over and pee'd on itself and that was the end of the fight....
Trump's going to Rikers. That's what I figured their plan was all along....
[quote]Both parties — to varying degrees — are wholly committed to endless bailouts, perpetual welfare, permanent war and the print-on-demand monetary system that funds these endeavors.[/quote] Yes. AND I might add that we will never again have a POTUS that is NOT wholly committed to these same e...
Trump was the last non-globalist that I think we'll see as POTUS....
Yes, but, here's the model that I recommend. First, the hardcore Airborne Infantry - Ranger - Special Forces and maybe Delta career pathway can begin while our subject is 18 or 19 years old. He can finish college while on active duty. He's young enough after 20 years Active Service to either contin...
If a young male asked me my opinion on this issue of "Should I join the military?", my answer would be thus: Everybody in your shoes should do as much research and thinking as possible about it. It's a very tough decision to make. Things are very different now than they were just 15 years ago, so...
Who wants to see an old lady dance around like hot young chick? Come on, man. :doublebird:...

re: For anyone that missed it

Posted by Champagne on 5/31/24 at 9:14 pm
That is Clutch AF....
They are not being naughty. They are being good Muslims....
If you ain't willing to break some faces over this, then you deserve to get Welshed on. j/k...

re: I'm out. Going to take a break.

Posted by Champagne on 5/31/24 at 2:15 pm
I wouldn't worry about it too much if I were you. ...
He's your NEPHEW. How is his career choice any of your business?...
Bible Alone has failed and is proven to be a flawed invention of a few human beings. We know this because, now that Bible Alone is about 500 years old, we see that this man-made system for discerning theological Truth has resulted in a widely diverse range of theological "truth". On the very ...
[quote]IDC what is written down. I care about works I see with my own eyes, and the Catholic Church has been used to destroy many many millions of lives. It destroyed Latin America early last century, and now it's heavily working to destroy our nation. It still keeps nations south of us down. That d...
[quote]shouldnt whine about being discriminated against.[/quote] You are hating on my Church and yet it is your Protestantism that is shattering into pieces. Your hate is misdirected....
[quote]Same as the Catholic Church[/quote] The Catechism of the Catholic Church is published right here. There is only one Catechism. So, your claim that the Catholic Church is shattering into pieces is not supported by facts. You may be praying for this to happen, but, it is not happening no...
[quote]That's a curious approach. If there's a large group that disagrees on an issue and as a result it splits into two or more smaller groups, you appear to be saying that its foundation was fundamentally flawed or it wouldn't have split. You sure that's the logic you want to go with?[/quote] ...
[quote]The history of the Episcopalian church is anything but typical Protestant.[/quote] One of the first if not THE first Protestant denomination is NOT "typical Protestant"? ...
[quote]Back to top Was threatened and stepped down. How brave. Did he take it up the rear too?[/quote] NO CATHOLIC HATE AT ALL ON TIGERDROPPINGS, FOLKS! No, none at all. Protestants are very charitable towards their fellow Christians, the Catholics! Yeah, sure. :lol:...
[quote]It will be commie gay popes from here on out.[/quote] I know that you are praying for this to happen....