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Registered on:3/4/2019
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A guy that worked for me had worked in a UAW auto-plant in NY before it closed. He was a hard working guy, but if he did more than the quota the shop steward expected they would "crawl up his arse." ...
[quote]Parents will form their own home school collectives and pull kids out.[/quote] Parents can do what the Amish do for elementary schools. They have junior high and high school girls teach them. Their students always place among the top in PA's yearly assessments. Our expensive educrats co...

re: See, the animals are gay too

Posted by Auburn1968 on 5/17/24 at 5:51 pm
[quote]These [b]groomers[/b] have WAY too much time on their hands.[/quote]...

re: Fail Gifs. Let's post them.

Posted by Auburn1968 on 5/17/24 at 3:59 pm
All of those public service announcements that infested media trying to get people to get the "safe and effective" shot and boosters always pissed me off. ...
Yet he represents the radical left that has a history of failed economies, mass murders and corruption. ...
Turning Congress into a version of a View cat fight over trivia is not the kind of leadership we need....
[quote]Progs are scheming, devious in intent, and almost always aligned in purpose but I’ve never seen it demonstrated that they are competent. They are great at grabbing power but failure after failure usually results once they have it.[/quote] The crime and decay in all of the deep blue citi...
[quote]Wouldn't it be great if we knew where the common cold originated from?[/quote] The "common cold" is really just category. It contains many bugs including 5 different coronaviruses. Fauci should go to jail for all of the people he helped kill....
[quote] Right now, the general public doesn't know what we don't know. It's not just the mobos and the CPUs. There's the various modems, network ports and the chip architecture that are all susceptible to various backdoors.[/quote] Remember Hillary's homebrew email server. Chinese intel had i...
[quote]They willingly participated in gain of function research that ended up killing millions of people.[/quote] Yes indeed. Fauci enabled it with funds to Wuhan when funding for gain of function was banned in the US. He's foolish weasel who was instrumental in the death of millions. ...
[quote]Of course Putin was never forced into invading in 2014, and never forced to ratchet things up in 2022; nor did he ever indicate he would compromise.[/quote] Putin got away with it in Chechnya, Georgia and Crimea, but that only seems to have wet his appetite for more Peter The Great dreams....
Netherlands to Create ‘Strictest Migration System Ever’ as Populist Geert Wilders Forms Government [quote]The Netherlands will finally get the right wing government its people voted for, and some of the toughest border control in the Western World after veteran populist and Islam sceptic Geert ...
Both the creditors and the universities need to be more careful who gets a loan. They need to share the risk, not just offload it to government and taxpayers. In Korea, a student can't be admitted to a fine art program unless their parents can assure them an adequate income long after graduatio...
[quote]Russia negotiates, but seldom will they “settle”.[/quote] Or actually honor an agreement....

re: Monkeypox back on deck

Posted by Auburn1968 on 5/16/24 at 12:43 pm
Just in time for Pride Month....
Leftist inmates running the asylum....
[quote]This stock was over $10 a share at one point and it also has a good dividend yield.[/quote] It was above $20 in 2022... ...
[quote]Boeing enters the chat … I own both [/quote] I'm betting that Boeing and the airlines will clean up their QC and maintenance acts due to so much bad publicity. Hope I don't roll snake-eyes....