Favorite team:Texas Rangers 
Location:19th Hole
Number of Posts:64182
Registered on:1/29/2007
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I have to admit this is the first Aggie game I’ve watched when they’re at home this year. Are the bubbles and bullpen circle jerk some kind of pride month thing, or is this all the time? Sure doesn’t do much to dispel the stereotype. ...
[quote]Boeing just called in their best tech guy to work on solving the Ground Sequencer.[/quote] [img]https://img.ifunny.co/images/59384a42411686e00949ce5652fe0d4d231788121cbc3f8b3304f176d657093d_1.jpg[/img]...
They just said 65 minute hold...
They just swung over the crew ramp. They have to be scrubbing. ...
Got the go from everyone. 5 minutes...
If they scrub this because of some suit fans :lol:...
3 [quote]Also curious of others’ #1 guess to see if it matched mine.[/quote] Batman Begins...
It’s not Aggie pride month for another two and a half hours. I’m going to enjoy the last moments of not being bombarded by a rainbow with a shite stain on it. ...
First, and I haven’t read the thread so I’m sure it’s been said, she’s going to get railed by an ex tonight. Second, it’s her reunion. Your only job was to be there for her. Of course she’s mad. ...
Needs to be on Starz. This way the Greeks can talk about how Ramses once again rams cock in Athena’s arse. ...

re: Wofford 3 @ LSU 4 Final

Posted by 9Fiddy on 5/31/24 at 1:00 pm
[quote]we're not going to pinch hit and put Neal in against a LHP[/quote] Not to mention 2 out, nobody on, top of the lineup coming up fresh in the 8th...
0/6. Never heard of this one. ...
Real life version of this retarded thing I caught my kid watching the other day. :lol: [embed]https://youtu.be/CpXlvLOyBVI?feature=shared[/embed]...

re: What do you think the verdict will be?

Posted by 9Fiddy on 5/29/24 at 10:30 pm
I will be absolutely stunned if it’s anything but guilty. It should be a 1/2 hour deliberation to return not guilty, but this whole deal has been rigged from the start. ...
That ump should be in the hall of fame for that moment alone. That’s exactly how umpires should act at all times. It was conflict resolution 101. He let the Mets players and manager know they were being heard while explaining the situation. ...

re: Dealing with Teenage daughters

Posted by 9Fiddy on 5/28/24 at 8:50 pm
[quote]Great, my 17 year old daughter told me she hates me.[/quote] [img]https://media1.giphy.com/media/uUIFcDYRbvJTtxaFNa/giphy.gif?cid=6c09b952pnfsraw5jsg9dygz6c5umkfeg25cp1qmw62bmq60&ep=v1_gifs_search&rid=giphy.gif&ct=g[/img]...
It seems like the situation is ripe for a team to call the Lakers and say they’re taking Bronny unless the Lakers agree to a ridiculous trade. Or even taking him without the Lakers knowing beforehand, then leveraging a trade after the draft. I’m fully convinced this kid will bust out and is only...