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Registered on:3/21/2016
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Fury Road came out 9 years ago. I watched it once 9 years ago. I didn"t take notes to review a decade later in case a sequel of a side char was announnced. ...
[quote]The new generation isn’t going to sit through 2.5 hours of a character they don’t know in a universe they don’t know with actors they don’t care much about. Theres an old director they don’t know. Women don’t give a shite about it. Kids won’t see it. This movie has everything going against it....
[quote]You would replace Billy with a shoe if you could.[/quote] [img]https://imgs.search.brave.com/WsGDocoMY9StSBK9H54JrDrFWJB2P3LCM8HZgCyYP4Q/rs:fit:860:0:0/g:ce/aHR0cHM6Ly9tZWRp/YTEuZ2lwaHkuY29t/L21lZGlhLzZBSFJT/bENraWVLandhMk5S/di9naXBoeS5naWY_/Y2lkPWVjZjA1ZTQ3/YXdyODh4eDk5YW1m/bzZoNjlvd3JlM2...

re: Bourne films

Posted by AtticusOSullivan on 5/26/24 at 9:58 pm
I think the one with Renner is the best. May be a non popular opinion....
If a computer really came up with that response.....were doomed. There's very few people that could put a response together that quick, that so caputred the root of the issue, from the bible no less. Thats complex on a very human level....
I made that same manuever after eating mexican today. It was more like the Brown Angels. ...

re: Diablo 4 Season 4

Posted by AtticusOSullivan on 5/22/24 at 7:07 am
I tried to pmay this at launch and could never get the game to launch. Reinstalled multiple times never workwd. This was PC. Would like tp retry it but dont have faith. Diabl II or 3 will no longer launch either. Something to do with the Blizzard launcher I guess....

re: RIP Dabney Coleman

Posted by AtticusOSullivan on 5/17/24 at 7:01 pm
Short Time was a favorite as a kid....

re: MA gets what they voted for

Posted by AtticusOSullivan on 5/16/24 at 7:33 pm
Diversity comes at you fast....
People who run for the sake of running annoy me. Thats all I got....
Taking power from men. Thats the end goal. Im not discounting the equality of women just stating the facts of the current movement....
2nd the D&C dance line. I say it all the time,its quite universal....
Her voice is like the sound of the horns of Revelations to me. I hate that accent. I would vote for her. ...