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Biography:Big time
Number of Posts:9076
Registered on:1/10/2016
Online Status:Not Online

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I'm glad blacks and queers can come together on Juneteenth....
[quote] Netanyahu[/quote] Has enough on his plate, he doesn't need to meet with this bull shite congress....
Dumb shits, that helmet might protect him on his next fall....
[quote]Relying on Congressional statutes and the administrative authority granted therein, which is what he did not do in the case that got rejected by the USSC[/quote] slowblow do you agree with his reach around and gloating of putting the burden on the tax payors?...
[quote]He's not.[/quote] What would you call it slowblow?...
[quote]I could be wrong, I guess, but I never saw him say anything other than he decommitted from LSU[/quote] So, you have more insite than Dixon or, you are just reading the cards. Looks like Priate King straightened you out. :lol:...
[quote] Dennis Quaid [/quote] Doesn't move the needle for me, he's been a screaming LIB for years....
[quote]Huckabee-Sanders as VEEP[/quote] I don't think that marrage will work....
[quote] He needs to stop the cruel war now[/quote] As soon as they lay down their arms, release hostages, set themselves on fire and die....
[quote]Oxford-AstraZeneca was a traditional vaccine.[/quote] Effectiveness?...
[quote] besides people who live in trailers?[/quote] He's already won most of their vote, he's working the crowd now and it's working....
[quote]All gave some, and some gave all, AND SOME JUST BITCH ABOUT IT[/quote]...