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Location:Formerly of tLandmass now in Texas
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Registered on:10/26/2014
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Well you know that game is total bullshite when they have Milroe threading a needle on an intermediate route hitting his covered receiver at the front pylon!...
I agree the MTG is bat shite crazy and an embarrassment…… But so is: Crochet AOC Corey Bush-less Hama Talibi Brother fricker Omar Adam Shitforbrains Drunk Pelosi and last but not least bang bang Fang Fang...
[quote]You can't be hateful without being perceived as hateful.[/quote] And you can’t be delusional wanting to force others to enable your mental disorder without being delusional wanting to force others to enable your mental illness!...
[quote]MTNviewTiger[/quote] What about the fact that your little butt buddy Hamas protestors are supporting a faction of Islamic Extremeist that hundreds of thousands of US solider, sailors, airmen and Marines have fought since 9/11 and thousands died. Go frick yourself you worthless Hamas support...

re: Secret Service falling apart

Posted by ABearsFanNMS on 5/17/24 at 7:41 am
[quote]Well if The Gateway Pundit says it’s true[/quote] Well the NYTs, WaPo, CNN, MSNBC and all your butt buddies in Congress said the Pee Tape and Russian Collusion was true………hmmmm me thinks the Gatewat Pundit is more reputable after the past 8 years....
I am catching back up to my Pre-Covid. Top 3% but want to get in the top 1%....
Well Chase and Ben both think Elliot is coming back to Ole Miss....
Didn’t Obama’s Border Czar say 1,200 a day would overwhelm the Border Patrol? And now 12 years later without a dramatic increase in personnel 4,000 a day is okay? How can any Democrat say anything positive about this action?...
[quote]You don't think those people should be arrested?[/quote] Yes to the same sentence. And oh the BLM protestors should get the same sentences at the January 6th protestors also....
[quote]texridder[/quote] [quote]That has everything to say about the low life, ignorant asses who support Trump and the low life, dumb asses on this board who think that is acceptible behavior.[/quote] [img]https://media3.giphy.com/media/QKIqUZ1JRTgRO/giphy.gif?cid=790b76111xxitgq579ibfhn2i652...
[quote]Sweet, only 8,000 kids killed! Geaux Israel![/quote] Your little Hamas buddies could end this today you know! Oh and maybe they shouldn’t try to conceal military targets in residential areas, schools and hospitals!...
[quote]None of that is a ringing endorsement. In fact, he danced around the quesiton[/quote] Damn dude are you really this ignorant? All is is saying is “the enemy of my enemy is my friend” you fricking TDS moron!...
[quote]Since the IDF response to Oct. 7 and for decades the US has been hammering our friends and allies to accept civilian Palestinian refugees. And they have, by the hundreds of thousands, if not millions. To continue to make these demands and have any credibility in doing so, we have to take some...

re: President for Sale

Posted by ABearsFanNMS on 5/10/24 at 8:21 pm
Yeah that is horrible. It is not as though your Potato has sold himself to every 3rd World Dictator already. At least Trump is asking the guys his policies help (along with every US Citizen) to pitch in....
[quote]Night Stalkers would be the worst unit to send in. They have no ground game. Something like SMU or the Unit on the other hand could slide in and out of Mexico pretty easily.[/quote] Well any ground unit would need transport and that is where the 160th would come in. Unless it is a built...
Brainwashed climate change activists are nearly as bad as the brain dead Palestinian genocide bunch!...
Since the idiot liberal won’t back down nor take the time to educate himself prior to bumping his gums…..this is the first two paragraphs of the Marshall Project I linked! [quote][b]Nearly 40% of law enforcement agencies around the country did not submit any data in 2021 to a newly revised FBI cr...
[quote]So you're saying statistics are only accurate when you cherrypick numbers and exclude things that might affect the output you want. Gotcha! [/quote] Ummm, you realize you are owning yourself right now?...
[quote]What does that have to do with the state of Kansas's crime reporting? Typical MAGA person, when the facts disagree with you, you just move the goalposts and meltdown all over the internet[/quote] Please tell me you are not really going to argue this. Let me ask you a question; what is by f...
[quote]Obviously yes, dumbass. Facts don't care about your feelings, son.[/quote] Sort of like the fact the NYC took advantage of Biden’s new policy of not requiring PD’s to report crimes to the FBI…..read that again and tell me you want to stand behind your earlier statements. [link=(https://...