Favorite team:Georgia 
Location:Albany, GA
Interests:Computers Sports
Number of Posts:7012
Registered on:10/6/2013
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Houston has no future. Everyone should move away. The same is true for New Orleans and Miami....
Have some real science from UCLA's Lundquist Institute. [link=(https://youtu.be/3ItQedMPnsY)]No evidence of calcium or plaque in the arteries of a middle age population with extremely high LDL-C [/link]...
[quote]Cool but what is your blood sugar levels, trigs, total/ldl/hdl levels and most importantly calcium score?[/quote] My fasted glucose is 78. Fasted insulin amazing 1.9. HDL and triglycerides are both 80. I don't have a CAC score. In May of 2020 my LDL was 76--now my LDL is 360. I'm a Lean Ma...
In 2021, I went from a 36 to 31 in five months by cutting down to less than 20 daily grams of carbs. More importantly, I ditched all seed oils which eliminates 95% of grocery store products. I've been convinced that seed oils are the main cause of all chronic disease. Today, I eat no carbs, no pl...
I'm 75 and live alone. Last NFL season I was eating sunflower seeds and watching the Chiefs lose to the Colts on a Sunday night. Twice it sounded like someone was knocking on my back door. I ignored the sound. Maybe it was dropping pine cones. After a couple of minutes a voice said why didn't you co...
I'm able to anticipate the bell on my microwave seconds before it rings. It never fails. When I get a feeling that time's up I stand and walk toward the kitchen. The bell goes off right before I get to the microwave. I can also run seven consecutive racks of nineball on a good day....
My daily driver is a 2001 Camry LE 4 cylinder purchased new. The Camry runs great and doesn't burn oil. It's time to install new struts front and rear. The weatherstripping is still good. The interior looks brand new in spite of being always weather exposed....
It's impossible to believe 2024 will be the best team ever after losing Bowers and McConkey....
Frat boys for Biden. Strange world, indeed....
When we lost to Florida in 2020 we were ahead 14-0 but our second TD was a disaster. Rosemy Jack-Saint broke his ankle and Stetson Bennett separated his shoulder on that TD play....
They wanted your preacher to come out of the closet....

re: Trump going after RFKJr

Posted by Whiznot on 4/27/24 at 8:42 pm
Trump's backing of mRNA is the ultimate loser. Donald blew it. His and Fauci's vaccine killed millions and it's still killing. Have any of you seen the studies about mRNA boosters causing elevated IgG4 antibodies? The only exceptions are the boosted who suffered natural infection before any jabs....
Kristi told a girlfriend that she has no use for a mutt who won't lick pussy....

re: Spring 2024 Portal Thread

Posted by Whiznot on 4/25/24 at 12:17 pm
I guess you meant Andrew Paul, the RB who left. We must accept that players can go if they want. Players can also come here. If a QB bails he will likely be the one with the least amount of confidence....

re: Spring 2024 Portal Thread

Posted by Whiznot on 4/25/24 at 10:01 am
QB is the most important position. We only have two health QBs right now. Kirby wanted four QBs on scholarship. The more competitors the greater chance that a real gem will be discovered....

re: Spring 2024 Portal Thread

Posted by Whiznot on 4/25/24 at 9:58 am
At sometime over the next few years I would like to see UGA win a natty with an athletic black QB....
Cringe? I like watching healthy young women showing off their skill and strength. Olivia Dunn's routines are beautiful....
I solved bad autoimmune issues with a carnivore elimination diet. Prior to the switch I took weekly allergy shots for 51 weeks. The shots did nothing....

re: Squirrels chewing wires in vehicles.

Posted by Whiznot on 4/16/24 at 5:19 pm
Buy an older car with wire looms that use petroleum based insulation. Honda went to plant based and many other companies followed....