
Filed Under: SEC Sports
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Labossman143 months
That's right les show them we also have fun
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Tiger inTampa143 months
Ok I"ll admit it I'm waaaay behind the times but this is not what i thought Harlem Shake was. So its not supposed to be choreographed? You just "ack da fool"? I weep for the future!
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harmonics143 months
It's official.....LSU is going 0-12.
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BamaNixon143 months
When the members of congress do it, you'll know it's over.
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MoreOrLes143 months
Friend or Foe ....makes no difference. How can one not like Les Miles? The guy is perfect for college .....which after all, is still suppose to be student athlete/ amateur sport.
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Bama98143 months
this fad has just about jumped the shark
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