Trent Richardson says he would be surprised if Nick Saban followed him from Alabama to the Cleveland Browns. Richardson said Wednesday...

"I can't see him coming to the NFL," "I would be very shocked."

"How can you get tired of winning," Richardson asked. "He's got so much going there. He has no reason to leave. He gets what he needs and he treats his program like the NFL (anyway). He makes sure his players are prepared for the game and prepared for the next level when the time comes."

"I can see him staying at Alabama," Richardson said, "and retiring at Alabama."

"I don't believe it," Richardson said. "Rumors are rumors. I don't buy into it and that's one thing he taught me to do -- not buy into rumors."

Filed Under: SEC Sports
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TigerDice147 months
Saban tried the NFL and found out how bad losing feels. He is not going back.
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Tommy Patel147 months
"I'd like to see if he can be successful in the NFL" ~tentex

I just don't think he will be able to have the control he has at the college level, Belichick has what Nick wants but not sure he is half the NFL Head coach Bill is....I don't think he's in the same league as Coughlin,Parcells,Payton....i could name others that have better NFL caliber ego too.
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TenTex147 months
I'd like to see if he can be successful in the NFL.
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Tommy Patel147 months
"I don't believe it," Richardson said. "Rumors are rumors. I don't buy into it and that's one thing he taught me to do -- not buy into rumors."
so instead of Saban lieing about leaving he has a secondary mouth piece spew disinformation? WTH?
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pellietigersaint147 months
well if TR says so..........
really? why is this a sports headline?
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km147 months
News Flash: saban sucks
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SaintLSUnAtl147 months
"He gets what he needs and he treats his program like the NFL (anyway). "

I bet he does....$$$$$$$
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TT9147 months
Keep on wishing people.
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MickeyMouse147 months
Saban is scared of the NFL..He is a Loser in the NFL
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AtlantaLSUfan147 months
I'm ashamed that this is on the homepage of
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peccow206147 months
All this time and you Texas fans still believe you matter.
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Hook Em Horns147 months
All this time and you LSU fans are still butthurt that he will be at bama forever..
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panzer147 months
Did his wife say she just planted oak trees...."We're going to be here a long time....."
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That LSU Guy147 months
LOL @ "Rumors are rumors. I don't buy into it and that's one thing he taught me to do -- not buy into rumors."
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